A cheap acoustic guitar from Amazon… That’s what happens when you’re unemployed, you waste that little money you have… I can’t even play it, I though it would be easy to at least pretend to play it but not, is a pretty dust collector now that I want to destroy.
Also I guess cyberpunk 2077.
I have played guitar for 30 years. I even played on stage and had a decent following at one point.
Everyone sucks in the beginning. It’s not personal. It’s very rare that anyone picks up an instrument and is instantly good. The suck is part of the journey.
You keep up with it because the pain is worth the outcome. It’s an outlet. Don’t do it for the results. Do it for the journey.
The best teacher is a game called Rocksmith. It scales with your ability. Seriously worth checking out.
Sucking at something is the first step toward being sorta good at something.
To live life, you need problems. If you get what you want the minute you want it, then what’s the point of living?
To enjoy it.