
A cheap acoustic guitar from Amazon… That’s what happens when you’re unemployed, you waste that little money you have… I can’t even play it, I though it would be easy to at least pretend to play it but not, is a pretty dust collector now that I want to destroy.

Also I guess cyberpunk 2077.

    2 months ago

    As you get older, your perspective will likely shift to where “can’t” as a concept changes. It is a matter of mental focus and persistence. There are lots of things I won’t do or am too lazy to do but could if I apply myself for long enough. This is really true of almost anyone. I largely learned to overcome my impatience by doing auto body work. There were countless barely passable jobs where I let my impatience override my reality before I could overcome myself. Most people could not see my mistakes because they do not know what to look for, but I knew.

    You’ll likely encounter some aspect of life that alters your perspective in this area. You already made the purchase. This is one commitment that will impact your view of yourself for the rest of your life. There is no hurry or time limit for learning. Ultimately, it is only 12 notes.