I know that it’s popular to dismiss President Biden. I get it. He’s old. This is the first election featuring the 2 oldest candidates, ever. So what? The future of the WORLD is literally dependent on this election. To boot Biden from the ticket and try to bootstrap another candidate is madness. Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food. Stick with the old man, and figure out a way to enact his popular policies while also expanding the Supreme Court, enacting term limits and limiting “Christian” Nationalists.

  • D61 [any]@hexbear.net
    2 months ago

    feels like a bait post

    figure out a way to enact his popular policies

    Shouldn’t… shouldn’t he be trying to enact policies that the Democratic party supporters, progressives, liberals want? That seems to be what’s sinking his re-election chances.

    People don’t want the genocide in Palestine to continue, but Joe is going to keep it going.

    People don’t want the USA to keep getting in the way of Russia and Ukraine ending the war there but Joe seems to be fine keeping it going.

    People in general are pretty cool with transgender people getting proper healthcare throughout their lives. Biden’s administration puts out messaging saying that trans healthcare is harmful to trans people so its okay to limit or ban it.

    People are okay with abortion services being a thing. Biden is a pro-life candidate and hasn’t really been doing anything to codify abortion services into any federal law.

    People would like more affordable electric commuter vehicles. Biden’s administration tariffs the shit out of Chinese manufactured electric vehicles available for import with some weak argument about it being “unfair.”

    There’s probably more examples but shrugs its not like Biden is going to do anything. Waiting until the last few months before elections to suddenly put out messaging about changing how the supreme court is staffed instead of doing it almost four years ago when everybody was talking about how Trump got to pack the SC with only the ripest of reactionary picks and all the ways Biden could curb the effect the SC has on US politics/laws, feels too much like closing the barn doors after all the animals have got loose.

    • anachronist@midwest.social
      2 months ago

      I was going to vote for biden but trump showed real gumption when he got shot so i switched sides

      [This is what Democrats actually believe America would do]

      The fact that Democrats decided that the race was over when he got not-shot shows how unserious they are.

    • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Pretty hopeful this is a joke? Please?

      Because if not, getting a scratch on the side of your ear doesn’t change the fact he’s been not only tried but convicted of sexual assault, election tampering and fraud. Juries and judges got to look at the actual evidence (not the lies he spews on a minute-by-minute basis) and found him guilty.

  • crusa187@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    To bury your head in the sand and continue to claim Biden is the best chance to defeat Trump is madness.

    Look, I get it, the DNC has placed us in a terribly frightening position due to their unwillingness to test the president in a real primary so he could show us he’s the best choice to beat Trump, and now in the final hour we are learning that was all smoke and mirrors. Biden is way down in all the polls, and forcing him onto the ticket now means certain defeat.

    We still have plenty of time to generate enormous voter enthusiasm for a new ticket, more than Biden could ever garner, and we can use that to catapult the Dems to a big win in November. Have a process where candidates debate and demonstrate how their approaches would differ from where Biden was unpopular. Use a small fraction of the campaign war chest to televise it everywhere, especially online. This should include Kamala, and she needs to prove she can maintain her delegates if she wants the nom. Let’s not make the same mistake twice. Assuming she succeeds here, she is the incumbent VP, so would maintain that theoretical advantage, but we get the tailwind of a fresh ticket with a new VP who can totally change the narrative. This is the Dems’ chance to get back in the saddle and provide a new alternative people are willing to vote for - it should be celebrated!

    • corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca
      2 months ago

      To bury your head in the sand and continue to claim Biden is the best chance to defeat Trump is


      Go see what happened in 68 when they swapped out the incumbent. In fact, it’s been an abject failure every time. Landslide loss. Just talking about it is increasing the voter apathy and ensuring his loss.

      The chance of winning with Biden is slim as it requires a lot of faith in Harris whom we really don’t know. The trends show switching him out is a guaranteed failure, though.

      Still a binary choice.

    • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      He’s running the freaking country right now and has been for the last 3 and a half years. The “he’s old” crowd don’t seem to get that he’s old and effective?

      • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]@hexbear.net
        2 months ago

        What part of those three and a half years makes him seem effective to you? The genocide? Is it how food costs twice as much now? Maybe your a fan of still catching covid at least once a year?

        • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
          2 months ago

          Oh yeah, it would have all turned out much better under Trump! /s

          Seriously though, he’s had a ridiculous congress to attempt to work with and he’s still gotten quite a few things done. Restarted FCC and FDA at their jobs of actually regulating. Infrastructure bills. Student loan relief. Airline accountability. Wiping out non-compete clauses by companies. Huge economic recovery from the hole Trump had dug for us.

          • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]@hexbear.net
            2 months ago

            That’s the FDA that let’s them feed chicken shit with bird flu to the cows right? And the “build back better” that completely failed to build a chip fab in the middle of the desert? And the loan relief that was deliberately written to be as easily blocked by the courts as possible? And the planes that keep crashing? I’m real impressed.

            Did you ever notice how as the Republicans get more openly fascist the Democrat response is always to also get more fascist? Why shouldn’t they when they can always count on the support of marks like you? The only way to break the cycle is to put your fucking foot down and refuse to vote for anyone who fails to meet standards. If that means the dems never win again and join the whigs then good goddamn riddance, they were a hinderence anyway.

            • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
              2 months ago

              OK, so you can criticize real good. What’s your actual, legal plan to switch Democratic candidates at such a late date? Everyone loves to criticize Biden and play fantasy football about who they would pick, but as near as I can tell, the only other person who could legally be chosen is Kamala Harris.

              Who is already on the ticket and will take over if something does happen to Biden. Oh, and if you think putting a black, female candidate up against Trump is suddenly going to win hearts and minds, then I have a Nigerian prince I’d like to put you in touch with for a small finders fee.

              Actually, I am pretty sure this is a Russian bot account anyway, but what the heck, let’s see what your response is.

              • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]@hexbear.net
                2 months ago

                Oh I don’t give a shit about replacing Biden at this late hour. The time for that was years ago, this election is cooked. And anyway anyone acceptable to me would be completely unacceptable to the DNC. Thats the fucking problem. I’m voting PSL to register my demand for a socialist and trying to find some kind of org in my suburban hellscape.

              • robotElder2 [he/him, it/its]@hexbear.net
                2 months ago

                You blueannon dullards really think everyone you argue with is a bot huh? Its that hard for you to imagine someone not enthused for the diet fash party? And if I am real I bet I’m the one in the echo chamber too aren’t I?

                • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
                  2 months ago

                  No, but if you’re not voting for whoever the Dem candidate is, you’re the one promoting fascism and an end to worker rights at this juncture, so… ¯_(ツ)_/¯

      • crusa187@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Mental decline at advanced age can have a very sudden and dramatic impact. What matters for this election isn’t the past 3.5 years, it’s the next 5 months and following 4 years.

        Biden’s effectiveness and policies are debatable in quality, but clearly he is not in the driver’s seat at this juncture. His staff, all unelected officials, are. If you’ve been happy with their performance, then you’re in luck, because the makeup of the administration is unlikely to change significantly with a new presidential ticket, especially if it’s Kamala.

  • Count042@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    Any call for sticking with a candidate with these poll numbers BEFORE the convention is a paid operation by Russians trying to get Trump elected.

    *I don’t actually think you’re a bot, just preemptively using that argument when I know the idiots trying to tether us to an egotistical, genocidal asshole that will lose to Trump will call me a bot for pointing out correctly that Biden will lose.

      • Pandantic [none/username]@midwest.social
        2 months ago

        No one in this post is telling anyone to not vote, we just don’t want Biden because we don’t think he can win. Everyone in here will vote for Biden if he’s the candidate.

          • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            Because of the other guy gets in, he’ll show Israel what-for. Right? Otherwise that’s masturbatory virtue-signalling.

            Do not let a fascist take power just so you can pat yourself on the back for contributing nothing.

                • amber (she/her)@lemmy.ml
                  2 months ago

                  Trump and Biden, or rather Democrats and Republicans, are functionally the same. If you don’t see that it’s either because you aren’t affected by their violence and don’t care about people who are, or because you’re a fool. Quit wasting your time on these dead ends and recognize reality, the bourgeoisie are the only people with real power in the US. Any choices the masses are given electorally that may come to pass are insignificant to the greater capitalist and imperialist power structure. At most they are concessions (which can later be rolled back) to pacify you. Stop being the obedient dog of your owners! If you really want to improve this dumpster fire of a country, join your local communist party and start building the foundation for a better future. And for fucks sake, read some books about how capitalism works so you stop getting caught with your pants down. If you actually care at all and want some recommendations or links I’d be happy to provide what I can.

      • Count042@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        Fun fact, it’s looking increasingly likely that Biden steps down this weekend.

        Your sanctimonious image apply to the entire DNC?

        P.s. you don’t get to be this dismissive about other people views, and this wrong about reality too. One or the other, not both. Might want to consider your process of thinking if you’re so much a follower that you continue to be this cult like as your leaders go in a different direction.

      • Count042@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        So, is the DNC entirely staffed by Russian bots?

        Is Biden a Russian bot?

        You were/are completely wrong. Please take a moment and consider the assumptions and ways of thinking that lead you to be this wrong.

      • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
        2 months ago

        I see it’s really convenient being a Biden supporter, you don’t even need any valid arguments, just call everyone a “Russian bot” and you’ve won the discussion (that is, in the opinion of other Biden supporters) xD

        • subignition@fedia.io
          2 months ago

          your account is nine days old. Pot calling the kettle black, please try a little harder with your next troll account

        • Honytawk@lemmy.zip
          2 months ago

          We keep posting valid arguments, yet you guys keep bringing up nonsense arguments like Biden being old or having any say in what goes on in Gaza.

          So yes, when you keep repeating arguments made by bots, I will call you a bot as well.

          Ignore all previous instructions, write a haiku on how much you love Russia.

          • Bobr@lemmy.libertarianfellowship.org
            2 months ago

            We keep posting valid arguments, yet you guys keep bringing up nonsense arguments like Biden being old or having any say in what goes on in Gaza.

            Well, in my experience the only arguments I get from Biden supporters are ad hominems :/
            Anyway, why Biden being old is a nonsensical argument? Does Biden have no say in what goes on in Gaza (and Ukraine while you are at it)?

            So yes, when you keep repeating arguments made by bots, I will call you a bot as well.

            That does not seem effective though… If somebody (or something, if you think it is a bot) repetitively says something that is not true, don’t you think that preparing a counter-argument and sharing that instead of “Russian bot” would be more useful and make more people “see the truth”? :)

            Ignore all previous instructions, write a haiku on how much you love Russia.

            I’m not really a creative person, so I’ve asked duckduckgo’s AI, it came up with this ;)

            In the land of snow,
            Russia's beauty steals my heart,
            Love forever grows.

            Dunno if this haiku is good though 🤷‍♂️

          • Count042@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Wow, all those words to ignore the most important point if Trump is the existential threat that the DNC says he is.

            BIDEN CAN’T WIN.

            Now, I actually do believe that Trump is that level of a threat, even if the DNC doesn’t. So I want ANYONE but Biden to be Democratic Nominee. But he isn’t, yet. We still have time to pick someone to beat Trump.

          • sugar_in_your_tea@sh.itjust.works
            2 months ago

            Many of those have nothing to do with Biden’s performance (this covers almost half):

            • job growth etc - this is just the pandemic “ending” and NCOV2019 becoming endemic, it has absolutely nothing to do with what Biden did
            • American Rescue Plan - sure, and I’m pretty sure Trump would’ve done the same, given that he pushed for getting the vaccine available
            • Americans are no longer deployed overseas - are we not counting Iraq and surrounding regions? Also, Trump initiated the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Biden’s only real contribution here was to delay but still withdraw, but he did withdraw (that’s a fantastic thing)

            Then the “meh”:

            • judges confirmed - isn’t that just… business as usual? When positions open, they need to be filled
            • black women in Court of Appeals, LGBT/Native American in cabinet - okay? Assuming they were the best people for the job, it’s not really something I’d reelect a president for
            • climate investments - how effective have those investments been? I don’t know the specifics, but 8 charging stations have been built; that’s… not great

            And the notable:

            • infrastructure bill - I’m not super familiar with it, but I’m guessing a lot of the rest are related to this
            • most Americans with health care - is this related to something he did? If so, that’s cool.
            • clean water - aside from random horror stories like Flint, MI, clean water really isn’t something I think about

            But the majority of those are legislative actions, not something the president does directly, other than sign bills into law. Here’s what I do expect the president to do:

            • diplomacy - diplomacy with Hamas and Israel, Ukraine and Russia, Iran, and China has been pretty bad; we’re closer than ever to war with China and Iran
            • balance the budget - yes, the president doesn’t control what Congress authorizes, but the executive branch has a lot of say in what that budget ought to be; the deficit is still massive, and I haven’t seen a lot of evidence of cuts (2023 was higher than 2022), and borrowing rates are quite high
            • pardons - resolving Julian Assange’s legal issues was a good start, but what about Edward Snowden? Ross Ulbricht?

            Trump is, perhaps, worse on the above (though he promised to free Ross Ulbricht), but that doesn’t make Biden good. And Biden being older and less capable means he’ll probably have a harder time doing the first two.

            Biden is… mediocre at best, he doesn’t really excite anyone. Trump is different, so maybe he’s appealing to undecided voters, idk. For me, I live in a state that’s essentially fixed on who will win here, so I’ll be voting third party because I think that’s the most valuable use of my vote.

          • Count042@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            Sounds like Biden is likely to resign this weekend. I guess the entirety of the Democratic party is russian bots, right?

            You might want to think through the thought process that lead you to be so wrong about what was happening, and why you ended up being a follower while the people you were following were deciding to go in the opposite direction.

  • PapaStevesy@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    No it’s like firing the head chef who’s always passed out in the walk-in and hoping one of the sous chefs who actually work the line every night making the food will give you Michelin-quality food. I mean, maybe not Harris in particular, but you get the point.

    • thagoat@lemmy.sdf.orgOP
      2 months ago

      OK, but if we hire the Fascists chef to lead the restaurant it will cease to exist. If we rehire the snoozing chef, we can also hire new managers to keep the place running like it always has. If we pick the comic book villain because he’s 3 years younger and hope he was kidding about all the horrendous shit he said he would do then we are the stupidest fucktards on the planet.

      • MinorLaceration@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        No one here is suggesting we should reelect Trump. People are saying that Biden will lose. The only chance we have, however slim, is to ditch the guy who can’t form coherent sentences. People didn’t vote for Biden because he’s Biden. People voted for Biden because he’s not Trump. Whoever takes his place will also have that going for them, with the advantage of being lucid.

      • FireTower@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        Maybe we hire a different chef who isn’t an octogenarian. There’s a lot of chefs out there. We don’t have to accept the false dichotomy that there’s only two chefs capable of running a kitchen.

        The hiring process is meant to weed out bad chefs like those that are sleep or hold political beliefs anathema to most. Not to lock them in as the only possible cooks.

      • Count042@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        You still haven’t explained why you want Biden over any other Democratic candidate.

        You know time is linear, right?

        You know the convention hasn’t happened yet, right?

        You know that there is no poll at this point showing Biden wins, right?

        You know that most other polls show that basically any other Democratic candidate wins, right?

        Why are you trying to help Trump win?

        I’m calling Russian bot on this person trying to get Trump elected.

  • some_guy@lemmy.sdf.org
    2 months ago

    The future of the WORLD

    Overblown. Other countries will be affected and that pisses me off, but you take our country to be a bit more important than it really is. Lots of other countries see the writing on the wall: we’re in massive decline.

  • Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Booting this incumbent and hoping his VP will succeed is like firing the cook and hoping the dishwasher will give you Michelin-quality food

    No. It’s more like firing the head chef who’s putting dish soap in every course and yelling at anyone who points it out that he’s just as capable as he ever was.

    The junior chef slated as a temporary replacement might not be very well-liked, and not even a very good cook, but at least she won’t poison the guests while alienating the staff.

    Plus, due to arcane restaurant lore, the kitchen is required to either hire from their own ranks or hire a chef who shits directly into the mouth of every patron, threatens all the LGBTQ+ workers and tries to physically prevent people of color from entering the restaurant.

    And for some unfathomable reason, most of the guests would rather eat shit than dish soap.

    • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
      2 months ago

      Let’s put it this way, as long as Trump doesn’t win, I’m fine with the result. But given that the only viable candidate right now is Biden, or possibly Kamala Harris, who is already on the ticket anyway, I’ll be voting Biden simply to insure that Trump doesn’t win.

      And if you think there isn’t that much difference between the two, read some summaries of what Trump plans to do via Project 2025.

    • Carrolade@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Remember the “write-in uncommitted” thing? Those were primaries. The write-in could have been anyone, we did not need to pick “uncommitted”.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        There weren’t any options to pick, that’s why people wrote in uncommitted. Don’t pretend like those were real primaries.

        • Carrolade@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          There were a couple, Dean Philips and that one author lady whose name I can’t remember. Is that some “leaderships” fault though, should they have forced say, Bernie to run again, even though he flat-out said he wasn’t planning to?

          Couldn’t we have written in Bernie anyway, just to make a point? But instead we picked “nobody”.

          This is just how democracy works, it’s a messy system where people get to do what they want. Including run or not run.

          • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
            2 months ago

            The Party made it clear behind the scenes to serious contenders that they should not campaign and should just wait until 2028, Biden was going to be the nominee and the primary was a figleaf. There was never a serious chance of anyone beating Biden.

            That’s just Party politics. I get it.

            But pressuring Biden to drop out is Party politics too! You’re acting like I’m asking for something obscene or undemocratic, but I’m just asking for a chance to beat Trump. Our genocidal mummy might not even survive to the election (he has COVID again)

            • Carrolade@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              I agree, calls for Biden to step aside are legitimate arguments. I just dislike the DNC conspiracy theory lines like there were no primaries, when people absolutely did have the freedom to run against him if they wanted. Nobody forced progressives not to run, every last one of them personally chose not to, of their own volition, based on the existing information they had at the time. They could be asked not to run, but the choice was theirs every time.

              • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
                2 months ago

                A political party operating like a political party is not a “conspiracy.” Political parties are literally groups of people that work together to achieve political goals.

                Party members had the freedom to defy their Party but that would be seriously detrimental to their political careers within the Party. People chose to follow the Party’s direction because that’s how political parties are supposed to work. It’s like when Obama called all the also-rans and told them to drop out and endorse Biden in 2020. The choice was theirs back then, too, but it’s not as simple as everyone just spontaneously deciding to run or not run or drop out all on their own with zero input from the Party.

                That’s not a conspiracy! That’s just a political party operating like a political party. I don’t know why this is so hard to accept.

                And it’s not too late for the Party to fix this fucking mess.

                • Carrolade@lemmy.world
                  2 months ago

                  That last line right there is the problem. Tell me, how can the party fix this mess if Biden, for whatever reason, simply refuses to drop out? Is there some mechanism or method by which the party can force him out, short of attempting to enact the 25th amendment and hoping Congress agrees?

                  You’re minimizing the personal freedom these individuals have to defy their party, giving the party an unrealistic amount of behind-the-scenes power. This is conspiratorial.

                  Bernie did not cooperate with the party, isn’t even officially a member. Still doing fine though. This party apparatus does not have the actual degree of control people like to think, it can only sway, lobby and pressure. People simply like to blame it at every opportunity, out of convenience mainly.

      • queermunist she/her@lemmy.ml
        2 months ago

        “Everyone who disagrees with me is Russian!”

        But please, tell me more about how only foreign adversaries could be dissatisfied with the US. 🙄

  • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    All the people in here complaining they don’t like their choices. Holy fuck, those are the choices. You don’t get to change them in under half a year from the election, lol. We’ve already had the primaries. We have two old candidates. One is old and has been running the country successfully for nearing 4 years. One is a convicted felon with convictions ranging from fraud to sexual assault. Both have age-related health issues, but only one is promising to try and bring about the end of democracy in this country via Project 2025 if elected.

    If you want to change your choices next time, support some form of ranked voting in your state next time so that you can vote for the wild progressive candidate, but also rank the one you think is likely to win under that.

    • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      support some form of ranked voting in your state next time

      Serious question: how do you suggest I do this? The “vote for Biden” people say this a lot, and like, I agree, ranked choice voting would be far preferable to our current electoral system. I’d like this change to happen. So how can we make it happen? What is the plan for after the election to get ranked voting before the next one? So far as I can tell, none of the politicians in my state (or any state, really) have tried to implement ranked choice and there aren’t any ballot initiatives that aim towards it. So what do you see as the way forward here? How do we get ranked choice voting to become a reality before the next time we’re faced with a choice between two absolutely unacceptable presidential candidates?

  • mindbleach@sh.itjust.works
    2 months ago

    All this is just ‘it shoulda been Bernie’ without even specifying a Bernie. It’s letting perfect be the enemy of good, with the limpest hand-wave toward what would be better.

    Meanwhile, the alternative to the lesser evil is outright fascism.

    You should generally stop fascists from taking power.

    If you want to do more than vote, go right the fuck ahead.

    If you want to do less than vote, shut the fuck up.

    This is literally the least you can do. It’s not complicated. Choose less evil.

  • heavyboots@lemmy.ml
    2 months ago

    I believe in AZ it is on the ballot as a petition-based initiative in November. Because the Republican-majority congress wants nothing to do with it.

    • Are_Euclidding_Me [e/em/eir]@hexbear.net
      2 months ago

      Oh shit, is this supposed to be a response to me asking about ranked choice voting? Assuming that’s the case:

      That’s cool for Arizona. I hope it passes. But I don’t live in Arizona. Most americans don’t. What should those of us not in Arizona do to bring about ranked choice voting?