• Shadywack@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    REITS benefit wealthy, not the commoner. I agree that it’s not the silver bullet to just ban corporations owning housing, as you often need an entity of some kind to manage MDU’s etc, but companies should absolutely be banned from owning SFU’s, and for that matter, landlords are bad for the country overall.

    Instead of worrying about what this does for the wealthy, we have the issue of NIMBY assholes rejecting MDU’s in their areas alongside just a dearth of housing to meet the needs (I’m avoiding the use of demand because this isn’t just some “free market” dynamic, people fucking need a place to live and economics languages shouldn’t apply to human needs). For anyone who takes offense at “NIMBY asshole”, you can go and fuck yourself really fucking hard. I’m talking fire hydrant in the asshole, you motherfuckers deserve to burn in hell, you pieces of god-damn shit, I hate you all (applicable to people with the NIMBY attitude).

    • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      I really didn’t mention a word about anything you are saying to me now. I am pro-development anti-nimby and admit I haven’t studied the issues of corporate housing enough to weight in on it.

      • Shadywack@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        My apologies if that came across as challenging your point with the nimby stuff. It’s like a fuselight, it wasn’t for you but just directed out in the open. Retracting the comment. Housing is something that’s sensitive to me because we just lost a family member to suicide, and while not solely that person’s rationale, among many factors housing was a significant one.

        Housing and healthcare on the trajectory it’s pointed at today, robs our youth of their hope, and signifies quite loudly that we as a society do not love or value the futures of our children, however people may feel internally.

        My only message for NIMBY people is that of hate and revulsion.

        • afraid_of_zombies@lemmy.world
          2 months ago

          Right but I am on your side about this. I want everyone to have housing that is awesome and within their price range. I just don’t agree that finding ways to punish immigrants and minorities is the best way to go about it. There is a difference between me saying “I want X and don’t think Y is the best way to get X” and me saying “fuck your family, I hate Y and lets do X to hurt them”. Me discussing how to solve a problem is not me denying the problem exists or should not be solved.

          Also you and me are good. I am sorry for your loss. I imagine I would be very sensitive to this subject in your situation.