Willy Wonka, I invoke thee… please come express my feelings on this for me.
I actually like that app. But can’t use it reliable now since they gave it up. Welcome EMClient and Thunderbird.
Microsoft won’t stop me from continuing to not use Windows
They certainly tried with Secure Boot. Thank Stallman that UEFI is a somewhat-open architecture.
I think it’s more like what Mozilla is to google; Linux to Microsoft is a tool to prevent antitrust issues
New Outlook is a pile of shit compared to the desktop Outlook app. It’s been causing a lot of headaches for my coworkers. Microsoft had better port near every single feature over to the newapp before they force everyone on it.
What do you want me to do, Microsoft? Install Linux twice?
I recommend it, even if you don’t need it, bc it fun
Oh yes! I have done it. A bunch of Linux VMs using Ovirt running on top of CentOS just to test some kernel changes.
Threatening us with good times? I think I’ll stick to Mutt.
The good part: two garbage apps will be gone from windows 😂
Replaced with one god awful one. I actually liked the calendar application, does all I need it to do. But no, I can’t have just a calendar application anymore according to Microsoft
Mozilla used to have Sunbird, until they also rolled it into Thunderbird. Standalone calendars aren’t popular anymore, but in sure there’s some around.
I understand the mail integration, as appointments can be processed directly.
oh no, please let me use those shitty apps that you keep pestering me to use and i say fuck off every time, please!
[meme] Oh no! Anyway… [/meme]
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If anyone’s in this thread because they’re looking for a new mail client after Microsoft killed the old Mail app, and haven’t been happy with the typical suggestions of using each email service’s web interface or Thunderbird, I found I don’t hate Mailspring (with the fancy features disabled - I just want my email client to do email well and don’t want extras that provide clutter).
Thunderbird is acquiring Exchange features.
They haven’t turned them on just yet owing to a little last-minute work, but your ability to sync calendars and address books with an ActiveSync/Exchange-compatible eMail server is coming soon.
The new outlook is utter garbage. It was in fact so bad that I uninstalled it and now use it through the web front-end only. And I’m doing that in Edge - as the only website this browser is allowed to open (asides from Teams, where the software is just as terrible).
If they call it a success that no more people are complaining because they just gave up, then, congrats… I guess?
Oh. This sounds like a good idea lol is the search a lot faster?
Not amazingly fast, but still quite a bit better indeed. Give it a try, to don’t need to uninstall outlook to do that after all.
Does that mean the only official email app will be the one that uploads the passwords to all your email accounts to Microsoft?
Good riddance.
I absolutely dislike Outlook desktop, don’t trust it either. Used Thunderbird back in the day, but switched to emailing on tablets or phone + TrueNas for desktop files.
FairEmail Pro on tablet is all I need for email. It is open source and imo simplest to use. It’s free and the pro version set me back 7€ or so.