Hey newpipe. Thanks again for the speedy fix.
Hell yeah. Newpipe devs are literally the best. I really need to donate or something.
You can! It’s quite easy: https://newpipe.net/donate/
When’s the update gonna hit fdroid?
It usually takes a few days. If you use droid-ify its there if you enable the newpipe upstream repo. You are not of course getting it from f-droid then of course.
It’s on github right now. Why not just dwld the apk from there?
Add the NewPipe repo to your Fdroid client, I just installed it from there a minute ago.
Much respect to the NewPipe team thanks for all your hard work
@evranch @SidewaysHighways reminder to regularly export export the list of subscribed feeds :beethoven:
@SidewaysHighways @Marduk73 Alternatively, you can also use Obtainium (available in the F-Droid App Store) and add the GitHub repository of NewPipe directly. You will then receive NewPipe updates as soon as they are published on GitHub.
Tubular is still broken :(
I keep newpipe installed as a backup