It’s behind that teapot that’s up in space
The one Bertrand Russell left the last time he visited?
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I think I saw Jupiter in or near Uranus.
[clever comment that makes you laugh]
[Follow-up joke]
I found it at the end of that big red arrow. Turns out it wasn’t a useless red arrow after all.
Thanks, hopefully they can get this message now.
It’s not much, but…
Strangely, this reminds me of this manga set in a megalopolis, and when the MC reaches what is assumed to be the roof of the super structure, he meets someone who explains that they aren’t looking at a night sky, but rather at a ceiling that’s far enough away to be difficult for human eyes to discern, how far away is that, coincidentally this gap between the “roof” and the “sky” is about the width of the planet Jupiter.
Guy literally has to use a telescope to be able to track stuff happening on the other side.
The manga is called Blame! and it is very good! Lots of cool moments like this. Excellent architecture
It’s a trippy Manga with little dialogue. Highly recommended.
This sounds really interesting. Can you share the title please?
Commenting to check later.
Mmm. Lost a planet, Master Stamets has. How embarrassing. How embarrassing. Find it, we will try
Oh, thank the gods- it’s back! Check the image, everyone! Jupiter’s back!
Maybe it’s in Uranus
Well of course you’re not finding it! 4 is Mars, you want 5
Its gravitational force was destroyed by the asteroids and comets it attracts, so now all its gas is gone (Jupiter is a gas giant). Some of it probably liquified (and later solidified).
Wait, why didn’t we get intoxicated by Jupiter’s gas? Are we immune to it? Did it somehow not reach earth?