Company behind former president’s gold high-tops files lawsuit against online retailers selling unlicensed replicas, hoping to reclaim ‘any and all profits’ from their illicit reproduction
That’s exactly how most Chinese counterfeits are made. By patent definition, a counterfeit is an illegal copy of an original. Any similar or identical items produced outside of contract are infringements, and considered counterfeits.
Also, not all grey market counterfeits are exactly the same as originals. The manufacturers no longer care about brand representation, so they tend to have far lower quality control standards, and often use lower-quality materials to increase profits.
That’s exactly how most Chinese counterfeits are made. By patent definition, a counterfeit is an illegal copy of an original. Any similar or identical items produced outside of contract are infringements, and considered counterfeits.
Also, not all grey market counterfeits are exactly the same as originals. The manufacturers no longer care about brand representation, so they tend to have far lower quality control standards, and often use lower-quality materials to increase profits.