I’m having some personal issues causing some severe depression and anxiety. I’d like to get past this time as fast as possible, and my days are dragging on. I can’t sleep, which would be a good way to make time go fast. But I also can’t just play video games, I don’t have the motivation to play more than a few minutes and it also just makes me realize how alone I am with no friends or anyone I can connect with emotionally and I spiral into my anxiety and depression.
I can do stuff during the day, run, chores, etc. But as soon as I’m done, especially at night, I start freaking out and it seems like time stands still. Does anyone have any suggestions? Activities I can do that are mindless that will just kill time and get me through the night before I can just go to sleep?
I know this question is stupid but I’m looking for at least somewhat serious answers.
It’s not the right choice, but alcohol has been doing well for me for this.
Dad died last year due to what I feel is my fault…
We all feel like it was our fault. The coulda/shoulda will eat you. Find something else to occupy your brain.
No. I feel like it was all YOUR fault.
Weed also works extremely efficiently at making doing nothing enjoyable. I heard opioids also make doing jack shit easy.
I dont recommend any of these as a solution see my above comment but this will work if ur ready to commit yourself to a homless miserable life offering blowies for $5 and a pack of smokes.
Then again worse case scenario killing oneself is always an option, ita not a good one i ask you please dont under any circumstances do so. But it would make time pass exceedingly quickly (well depending on ur religion or if u have one etc)
Opiods and benzos help. That is something that will likely happen this month but I only have so many. And it only helps because it’s a change. If I took them every day I’d just need more and shit. So, those will come and help me sleep when I need it, not an every day thing.
Hmm seems ur craving somthing different. And u said previously u got money so there is always travel throw a dart at a world map till it lands on land that isnt a warzone.
Using alcohol as a self-medicating behavior caused me more pain, ruined relationships, lost me jobs, etc. than anything else. Stay the fuck away.
Stay the fuck away from alcohol, OP.
Alcohol doesn’t help anyway.
Alcohol will temporarily alleviate anxiety and then make it much much worse. I do not recommend this at all. I’m sorry to hear you’re having a rough time.