I’m 34 and yeah I’m still living with my mother, share the room with my uncle, her brother (he lives with us).

I don’t have a job right now but even when I HAD a full time job I didn’t had intention of moving, I don’t have a partner to share the bills and living alone could fuck completely my life and not just partially.

If you think that’s weird I have 3 uncles, in their late 50 still living with my grandma in their big house. Only 1 of them are married and the other 2 never had a gf. All that part of the family is living there.

  • kryptonianCodeMonkey@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I moved out to go to college at 18 and back in with my mom as 21 after dropping out due to financial issues. I had trouble finding work there, nothing stable that paid well. I was a pretty lonely depressed guy, a virgin into my 20s, with nothing significant in my life and nothing to offer anyone else. It was a pretty shit time for me. I ended up moving in briefly with my dad 2 states away and was able to find a decent paying factory job shortly thereafter and got my own apartment. Then I found an even better paying factory job a year or two later, and got promoted to management within the year. I lost a bunch of weight, was able to save money, lost my virginity finally and I bought a house. I met the woman who would become my wife. Sold my house moved in with her. Went back to school, got my degree, got a much higher paying job, bought a much nicer house and we just had our first kid.

    I don’t want to tell you how to live and I am not under the impression that everyone can just do what I did. Everyone is different. Circumstances are different. I know. But nothing in my life started to improve from my lowest point in my adulthood until I stopped the complacency, moves out and worked to improve myself and my life. I would be shocked if your 50+ year old uncles who live with you grandmother and have never had a girlfriend are truly happy with their situation. I would encourage you to seek to change your situation if you can. I’m only a year older than you. At one time I was tens of thousands in debt, out of shape, had teeth falling out, living with my mom, no social life, no girlfriends, sexless, penniless, and had no hope or outlook in life. I have had my own share of failures, yet I am in a good place now. I got my teeth fixed, got a degree, i have a nice job, a nice house, a wife and beautiful daughter, and we’re comfortable. I hope you can get there too.

    • SORROW@lemmy.worldOP
      3 months ago

      This type of post depress me more tbh. But it’s not your fault. You just said it, you’re my age and got all that. I have nothing.

      • Flax@feddit.uk
        3 months ago

        I don’t know what your situation is. Do you go outside much? What’s stopping you from getting a job? I basically had to exposure therapy myself to the outside world and it was difficult and took nearly two years but it was so so so much worth it.

        • SORROW@lemmy.worldOP
          3 months ago

          I just don’t wanna be social and hate the world. And the few interviews I got had failed. I’m not charming or funny, so no wonder I’m invisible to women. And, this is important, I feel like this is my nature, it’s not going to change. I have no education because I know I couldn’t handle it, I’m dumb. And all the manual jobs here ask for experience before. Even for a fucking fast food.

          The only real job I had lasted for 4 years but quit due the abuse there. I got sick of their bs.

          • protist@mander.xyz
            3 months ago

            I just don’t wanna be social and hate the world.

            Saying that after also talking about how your situation is depressing to you indicates you want things to be different but aren’t ready to try to make anything different. People’s life circumstances can fuck with them, for sure, but the only person who can make anything different for you is you.

            You’re stuck having a pity party for yourself and you’ve spun your self-hatred into hatred for “the world.” Try really hard to let go of whatever shame and self-hatred you’re holding on to and accept that none of us are perfect, and there are actually plenty people out there who would accept you and be your friend if you treat them with respect.

          • Flax@feddit.uk
            3 months ago

            I’m going to be straight to you here: The only thing holding you back is yourself. If you have a neurodivergency, I recommend getting in touch with an agency that helps find work for ND people. Your nature isn’t going to change by just sitting in your room all day. I don’t want to work either; I don’t think anybody does. I don’t want to do education. But forcing myself through it as difficult as it was made me a MUCH better person and more capable and gave me a job that even though I struggle with some days, I enjoy. By sitting in your room all day, you’re just going to make yourself worse and there’ll be no future for you. Don’t give up in your 30’s. It’s not too late to do something. Switch off the news as well, delete social media if you have to. There is bad news about this world as we’re a fallen species, but for our own life, we have to make the best of it.

            • SORROW@lemmy.worldOP
              3 months ago

              It is dude. It’s done and I get it. Someone has to die alone and failed. Otherwise this world would be over populated. I get that you’re trying to be positive but that doesn’t work for me.

              • Flax@feddit.uk
                3 months ago

                Overpopulation is a myth. We need more younger people than older people

                You have seemed to make it clear that you want to die alone and not even try. If you won’t get therapy of some kind, don’t try and make other people suffer or justify your situation in front of other people. People are giving you advice here and you’re refusing it, trying to justify yourself as some hero over “overpopulation” or something, and it’s pathetic. You have plenty of time, you should resolve to want to turn your life around.