• Hugh_Jeggs@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      I always find it amusing to think that one builder somewhere decided to spark up a blunt and utterly fucking destroyed one of the most culturally significant buildings in the entire world, and probably only he knows he did it

  • DirigibleProtein@aussie.zone
    3 months ago

    many science fiction movies and tv shows are actually true stories, but since no one will believe that they’re true, they are presented as fiction. Only a select few know which stories are documentaries showing what really happened.

      • _NetNomad@kbin.run
        3 months ago

        which of course is a distraction from the fact the main show serves the same purpose in the real world!

      • Artyom@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        My head canon is that the writers were sick of the DOD interfering and forcing them to write in all these plot points that were real events. The writers went rogue for an episode and spilled the beans. The best part is after the episode aired, they had total immunity because any retaliation would be a confession.

  • SGforce@lemmy.ca
    3 months ago

    9/11 was sort of an inside job by the architects. Built during the height of the cold war, every mega construction project would have had to address what would happen if attacked. There had been a number of massive skyscraper fires already and even much smaller buildings had no way to effectively douse the flames. Imagine a massive raging inferno towering above a dense population centre for weeks or months or who knows how long. It would have been an even worse outcome. The health and mental health effects would have been incredibly devastating. A decision had to be made. A structural, engineered weakness to very hot flames was built in to make the towers implode on themselves, snuffing out the flames.

    It would have been a tough call to make. Like the trolly problem, do you engineer it to save the occupants? Or the potential health of the rest of the city?

    It makes sense to me to keep quiet about it after the fact. The architects did what they had to do and some people would not agree with their decision. Therefore due to ‘national security’ or whatever it’s best to just keep quiet. I’ve held on to this theory for a while but I think it’s been long enough to discuss it.

    • stoy@lemmy.zip
      3 months ago

      Checkout the Well There’s Your Problem podcast about the WTC buildings and the attack.

      It is three hours long, quite rambly and full of dark humor, but digs quite deep into the time the towers where constructed and the issues that it caused during the attack.


    • LrdThndr@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      I…. Uh….

      This makes way more sense than any other crackpot 911 theory I’ve ever heard.

      What if was less a structural weakness than actual demolition charges built into the superstructure of the building that few knew about that could be used in just such an event?

      Different materials burn at different temperatures, and a raging inferno near the top wouldn’t affect structural members near the bottom, so a fire might not be guaranteed to trigger the weakness, but charges could be placed to guarantee the outcome if the worst happened.

      Would explain SO much of the “evidence” that 911 conspiracy theorists talk about - the smell of chordite, the flashes in the windows, the clean collapse…

      Then, this begs the question - What other structures might be similarly equipped?

      • agamemnonymous@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        Then, this begs the question - What other structures might be similarly equipped?

        I also think this theory is plausible, and if it is true I assume it’s stayed under wraps precisely because they didn’t want future terrorists to be able to just trigger the conveniently pre-installed explosives.

    • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
      3 months ago

      Not really. It is more that no one really thought that this would be something you had to design for.

      Now, a bomber hit the Empire State Building at it survived. So, you could design a building to withstand a plane hitting it. The problem is that the Empire State Building is heavy; it is probably the last skyscraper whose design was controlled by dead load.

      There had been studies into failure of buildings after the Oklahoma City Bombing; some of the fruits of that research led to designs which were installed in the Pentagon by 2001. However, for most buildings, it wasn’t considered to be worth it. This includes skyscrapers both in the USA and around the world.

      A * B * C is generally considered below the cost of making most buildings plane impact resistant, so they don’t do it.

      • stoy@lemmy.zip
        3 months ago

        The B-25 bomber and Boeing 767 airliner are two very differet aircraft.

        The WTC towers and the Empire State Building were also very different buildings.

        So there events are not really comparable.

        • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
          3 months ago

          The point was that New York City saw a large plane hit one of its largest buildings. The failure mode was known. It just happened to be that no one cared to design for that failure mode later.

          • stoy@lemmy.zip
            3 months ago

            The last plane crash into a building in NY before 2001 was back in 1946, when a transport aircraft from the US Army Air Forces flew into 40 Wall Street.

            That was 55 years before 9/11, and 20 years before construction of the twin towers was started, it was believed to be a solved problem, which in context wasn’t that unreasonable.

      • dual_sport_dork 🐧🗡️@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        The other thing is, both towers were plane impact resistant. Both of them took dead square hits from airliners and remained resolutely standing afterwards. What it turned out they were not proof against was an ongoing raging inferno inside that was hot enough and carried on long enough to weaken their critical structural elements.

        If the planes had not been laden with fuel and/or if it had not ignited for whatever reason, the towers probably would not have collapsed. They probably wouldn’t have been readily repairable, though, so then the question would be what to do with two massive skyscrapers with giant holes in the middle of them. They’d probably have to be demolished eventually anyway. Said demolition would have killed far fewer people.

  • jordanlund@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Jackie Kennedy had JFK killed. She had Marilyn Monroe killed first as a warning to stop fooling around, he didn’t listen… and a year later…

    • Rhynoplaz@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      After it happened she was emotionally devastated, because she SPECIFICALLY ASKED THEM not to make a mess of her outfit. That was a $200 jacket and those stains are NOT coming out with club soda.

  • AmidFuror@fedia.io
    3 months ago

    My husband who disappeared years ago is actually alive and well and conspiring with his friends to downvote my posts and comments. I think he drives by my house from time to time as well.

    He is in cahoots with my family, who have custody of my child, to stop my child’s DNA from getting added to a genealogy website because that would prove that he was conceived from incest with a distant relative when I was very young.

  • Delphia@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    That the governments of the world actively encourage conspiracy theories because in general they foster a belief that they are significantly more competent than they actually are.

    • Dasus@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Also when “conspiracy theory” automatically reads as “bullshit” to everyone, actual conspiracies get looked at less.

      And to remind everyone “conspiracy” is just a plan by two or more people to commit a crime. A much more mundane term than what it’s current connotations would suggest.


    • Lost_My_Mind@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      Like the conspiracy that ants built stonehedge? Think about it. Their body can carry thinks 100x their size. And in the age of the dinosaurs, everything was bigger. Crocodiles were measured as large as 120 feet long. Ants don’t have a skeliton to leave behind. So who’s not to say ants weren’t 18 feet tall at one time? Imagine an 18 foot ant. That’d be scary as hell! Who else is going to build stonehedge? Slaves? Pssshhh! They couldn’t do that! They’re waaaaaaay too malnourished. They’d have no strength!

  • spider89r@lemm.ee
    3 months ago

    That the holocaust was actually fake and is just post ww2 propaganda. All of the major camps were controlled by soviets

  • HobbitFoot @thelemmy.club
    3 months ago

    Mossad was behind the Benghazi attack in order to get Mitt Romney elected in 2012. When that didn’t work, Mossad informed Republicans of certain Intel to use in order to make Obama look weak.

  • ivanafterall@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Alright, I’ll bite.

    I think it’ll someday be known that Russia was involved in the promotion of cuck porn, partially explaining its increased prevalence.

      • ivanafterall@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        The basic gist: a lot of the early promotion of Trump, “TheDonald,” etc…got its start on 4chan. Pepe the Frog. Qanon nonsense. It was the first place I also noticed the trend of (specifically interracial) cuck porn with weirdly divisive messaging/themes, before it became a trending theme on every mainstream porn site.

        If you look into what Russia does/has done in the U.S., the goal is always to sow division. The means are often irrelevant. Though they’ve had great success supporting the right, they also create fake groups/initiatives on the left, the general goal being to widen the social rift. Our racism problem as a country has seemingly been a frequent target, for obvious reasons. And, in short, I can think of few things more inflammatory to a racist, white MAGA person than, “Black men can fuck your women better than you.”

        “Cuck porn” may have been too broad. I’m not saying they invented cuck porn, nor interracial porn, etc…etc… Only that I believe they may have seen it as a potential wedge to promote in their information efforts, particularly when accompanied by weirdly divisive, aggressive messaging.

        I could also be wrong/crazy, and I wouldn’t bet anything important on it, but I figured it was a fun one to throw out there, given the question.

        • DangedIfYouDid@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          I’ve been saying this for at least 12 years now. 4chan has always been an interesting case study. There was (I haven’t been back to look in years) also the curious war on /d/ over eastern/western art with Dimitry’s works being accepted as eastern due to being Russian. Which fair enough, yea Russia is in Asia, but that’s not really the point. The point was creating positive association between dopamine mining (porn) and Russia for people who felt marginalized for their interests. That Bannon specifically pointed to 4chan as a vector for radicalization, well… It’s very interesting that so many interests that almost exclusively thrived on 4chan rose into mainstream acknowledgement around 2016.

          This was all furthered on Reddit in the more offbeat porn-focused subs with blatant intrusions of racially charged ideas into any and all genres they could find but with a special attention paid to anything that repeatedly fetishized a loss of control/personal responsibility/agency (cuckoldry, hypnotism, coercion, etc)

          Getting those messages tangled into things people have fetishized and generally felt shameful about is a hell of a way to hijack dopamine to create a false positive association between the ideas and the act.

          In a way, we might have to feel gratitude toward OnlyFans models, Tumblr users, and maybe just gen-Z as a whole, for reframing a lot of those same interests in a more sex positive and silly manner - to the degree that it is not uncommon to see a blue collar working class man making light of himself wearing panties as daily wear on Instagram. Not exactly niche and shameful now is it?

        • Leg@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Ah, I know what you’re getting at. Honestly, it sounds incredibly plausible. 4chan’s porn has always been…off.

  • paddirn@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Most disasters, fires, mass shootings, etc that you see on the news are actually created by the News organizations themselves in order to grab people’s attention. Those news vans you see driving around, those are sabotage squads going around committing all the violence. How else do you think they’re able to get on the scene so quick to report the news? They’re literally creating the news themselves. WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!

        • LrdThndr@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          That’s not what a conspiracy is. A conspiracy is a bunch of people working together in secret to do something illegal. A conspiracy theory is when you put a bunch of seemingly random or unrelated facts together and they give the impression of a conspiracy causing something to happen.

          You can’t just say “dogs can smell the color blue” and call it a conspiracy theory.

          You need to have something to back it up. Even if it’s not hard proof, there needs to be a string of coincidences or suspicious actions or something.

          So what makes you think Andrew Tate is an illuminatus? That’s where the meat of a good conspiracy theory is - form your answer to “why do you think that?”

          • TheBigBrother@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            I believe he just say a lot of stuff what he just get out of his ass, but at the same time what he say have some kind of weird sense… mysteriously he have been canceled and the media system make him look like a sexual abuser, but when you see videos of important shit his points seem valid. It looks like he is just in the middle between “good” and “evil”.

            Some kind of “hookers and Bugattis” speech but with some truth in the middle of the noise.

            • MikeOToxin@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              Nope, nope nope nope.

              Hes a chinless incel who wants people to think he’s smart.

              Worked on you, I guess. Nothing he says makes sense to a rational human being.

            • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
              3 months ago

              mysteriously he have been canceled and the media system make him look like a sexual abuser

              Hmmmm I wonder why??

              It looks like he is just in the middle between “god” and “devil”.


              Blocked. I recommend others do the same. This person is bringing nothing positive to your lemmy experience.

  • bizarroland@fedia.io
    3 months ago

    Any conspiracy that you hear about more than two or three times is actually a part of a deeper conspiracy to create so much conspiracy chaff that finding the truth becomes impossible.

    The actual deep state Illuminati whatever thing that’s behind it all running everything are really just a bunch of powerful old rich people who have capped out on money bringing them any joy in life and the only thing they have left that brings them any excitement is keeping people down.

    We have enough financial resources that every person on the planet could work 20 hours a week and have a house and have time to spend with their community and accomplish things that are meaningful to them, but in order for those resources to be distributed fairly we would have to identify the people that are hoarding it and divest them of their horde.

  • Shotgun_Alice@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Ok here is my tin foil hat conspiracy that involves the reason for the Iraq war and Deep Water Horizon. Ok so America went to Iraq on behalf of oil interests, ranging from opec to US oil companies. Ok here we go, so Iraq was flooding then global markets with cheap black market oil to India, China and France. This caused gasoline prices to be lower across the globe as there was always oil to go around introducing an artificial surplus. After the start of war the surplus started disappear and global oil markets stabilized from no longer having a surplus countries and companies had to now buy oil from manufacturers raising the price as there’s a cap on how much oil can actually be produced. This of course meant gas prices in the US (and I assume abroad) would have to go up. When Deep Water Horizon happened the administration saw an opportunity to then raise gas prices to actually what it should be. After conversations moved on from Deep Water Horizon the US government just hope people wouldn’t notice that the price of gas was never going to come down again to what they were before Deep Water Horizon happened. And that is how deep water horizon is connected to the invasion of Iraq.