Jacob Riis Beach hosts the day of body positivity and fun, in the city at the heart of the fat acceptance movement

Fat Beach Day events are springing up across the US in an effort to fight back against fat-phobia, reclaim safe spaces for the community and honor plus-size culture. Today, one of these celebrations is being held to coincide with Pride month at Jacob Riis Beach in New York, a location deeply ensconced in the city’s activism space.

  • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Pride is for people who were routinely ostracized, beaten, disowned, and murdered because they were different in a way they couldn’t change.

    Being overweight is something you can change.

    Being fat has always been accepted. It’s just not celebrated, because it’s not healthy, indicates that you don’t take care of your body, and/or you don’t have control over your eating habits. There are rare circumstances when weight is influenced by a medical condition, but generally it’s people eating too much and not moving enough. Being fat is looked down on the same way as being un-showered, wearing dirty torn clothes, or smelling bad. It’s not the person, but the way this person presents themselves, and it can be changed. It’s like if a guy wears offensive slogan t-shirts every day, and gets upset when people aren’t especially nice to him. It’s your own doing, my guy.

    Were you kicked out of your family because you’re fat? Were you fired from your job because you were fat? Were you denied healthcare because you were fat? When was the last time someone targeted fat people for a mass shooting?

    Fat acceptance is just an attempt at finding victim hood within habitual self-flagellation.

    But also, I’ve never fat shamed anyone, I’ve never picked on someone because of their weight, or “judged” them. People who do that are assholes. I’m just upset that pride is being routinely co-opted by other movements like furries, fat acceptance, and all this other nonsense that, again, nobody was ever actually hurt over. I’m sorry you feel judged at the beach, but gay people are routinely murdered because they’re gay and pride is a protest.

    • fiercekitten@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      There are rare circumstances when weight is influenced by a medical condition, but generally it’s people eating too much and not moving enough.

      I find your statement ignorant and offensive.

      Do you have any idea how many medical conditions keep people from not moving enough (thereby causing people to eat more calories than they need)? It’s NOT rare. Hell, lower back pain is one of the most common reasons people go to the doctor, and guess what’s a lot harder to do when your back is screwed up? Exercise.

      I am a bicyclist. I love riding. I ride any chance I get. I also currently have chronic problems in my upper, middle and lower back, including a herniated disc in my low back, and it’s aggravated by bicycling more than anything else. I’ve been seeing doctors for 20 years for my back problems, since I was a teenager. I had back problems when I was a size 2, and I have back problems as a size 12.

      People will probably want to respond to my comment by saying that diet is a bigger factor in losing weight than exercise, or that people should adapt and find other ways to be active if they can. What I am saying is that weight, medical conditions, and eating more calories than a person can burn – they’re all connected and it’s a very common problem.

      • dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works
        3 months ago

        Not being extremely mobile or having chronic pain does not require you to eat more calories than you burn. I have a torn disc and take nerve meds so I obviously don’t lift weights or run like I used to, but Im allowed to moderate my calorie intake.

        Age and a slowing metabolism are more pernicious, but even those things don’t “force you to eat more calories than you need”. Nothing is forcing anybody to do that.

        • telllos@lemmy.world
          3 months ago

          Exactly, I think people eat way too much, too fast. Since a year I’ve reduced my portion size, it had a great effet on my weight.

      • fiercekitten@lemm.ee
        3 months ago

        But I never brought up the idea that people are being forced to eat more calories; you did.

        I explained how medical conditions, health, and mobility are intertwined with calorie intake and expenditure and that it’s a common problem.

      • Bgugi@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Just because something is harder to do, doesn’t mean not doing it is okay. Overeating when overweight is abuse, full stop.

        There are people that have a harder time quitting smoking, there are people that struggle not to cut themselves.

        Nobody should look at an 8 year old with a cigarette and say “it’s probably just genetic.” Nobody should look at a junkie passed out in an alley and say “yasss, they’re just living their truth!” Nobody should be incensed when they go a hospital complaining about abdominal pain and the doctor recommends they remove a piece of rebar they fell on.

        • Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          We also extend some sympathy to the cigarette smoker, to the self harmer. Quitting smoking is HARD. It takes a ton of effort, nicotine is literally addictive. Self harm is indicative of any of a number of mental and emotional issues. Those are a nightmare to address

          But at the end of the day, they should just grow up and do it, right? Just don’t smoke. Just don’t cut yourself. Just don’t eat to excess. Simple.

          Never mind the literal good deserts some people find themselves in. The decades of misinformation from lobbying groups. The fact that everyone has their own one weird trick,so you don’t know who to believe. The fact that the cheapest food is often the least nutritious. The fact that, increasingly, people have to work more hours to get by, leaving less time for things like cooking a proper meal.

          There are real societal factors that play into the obesity epidemic. We didn’t get where we are because everyone was collectively like “let’s just get fat, yeah?” - we were all brought to this point by the influences of the world around us. Personal responsibility is all well and good, but it’s also not the whole game.

          • Bgugi@lemmy.world
            3 months ago

            I think we are in many ways talking past each other. Of course it’s hard. Of course there are tons of things that make the right choices more difficult. Of people deserve support in making the right decisions. Of course making major societal changes to address the risk factors for obesity is a noble goal.

            Movements like this are just cheering people on while they put a gun in their mouth, and it’s fucking disgusting.

        • fiercekitten@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          Overeating when overweight is abuse, full stop.

          Cool, now I’m a self abuser. Good to know.

          Your comment is abhorrent and misses the point completely.

      • XIIIesq@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        You don’t have to exercise to lose weight, you don’t even have to drastically change your diet.

        Eat. Less.

        You can lose weight on a diet of pizza, donuts and laying on the couch if you simply eat less calories than you burn.

        You quite frankly sound like one of the many enablers that wants to make every excuse possible about why it’s impossible to lose weight rather than taking responsibility for the countless poor eating decisions that leads to obesity. No one is born fat and no one wakes up fat, take responsibility.

        • fiercekitten@lemm.ee
          3 months ago

          You also completely ignored the point I was making so that you could tell a stranger to eat less.

      • jpreston2005@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        Have you tried recumbent bicycles? they are a lot easier on my lower back, and there are some real fun designs out there like trikes that could make bicycling a reality again. Or swimming, when I hurt my knees and couldn’t run/bicycle without pain, I started swimming laps, and holy cow is that a lot of exercise if you’re not used to it.

        Additionally, refined sugar is addictive. I know my previous comment might lead you to believe I have no sympathy for wider folks, but I truly do. I’ve lost 100lbs over a year once. I gain back when I go through periods of depression, and then I force myself to lose weight again. Over last holiday season I was separated from my family and spent it entirely alone. I gained about 25-30 lbs. Since then, I’ve restricted my calorie intake to around 1200-1500 calories a day, with around an hour of exercise also each day. I’ve lost ~25 lbs since starting that in March. I know how hard losing weight can be. I’m also a (former) addict, so I know how hard quitting something that’s ubiquitous throughout society can be (alcohol). But it can be done. Sugar is addictive just like alcohol is, which is why Jenny Craig modeled her fitness groups after AA.

        The problem is that losing weight is uncomfortable at first. You’re hungry because your stomach is all stretched out, despite taking in enough calories for the day. It takes time for your stomach to shrink to the proper size, so for the first couple weeks, you’ll be eating all your body needs, but it will feel like you’re not. and it’s uncomfortable. Weigh this discomfort against all the discomfort that being overweight has constantly provided, and decide which one you’d rather live through. The temporary discomfort of feeling hungry and not knowing what to do with your hands after you’re done eating for the day (and only for the first couple weeks of dieting), or the constant discomfort all over your body and in your own mind, every day that you’re overweight.

    • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
      3 months ago

      It should be separate from pride, but on the “it’s a choice” aspect: How is weight gain different from many mental afflictions? It’s a mental issue that causes detrimental effects to your lifestyle.

      • AWildMimicAppears@lemmy.dbzer0.com
        3 months ago

        I agree with you, being someone who has fought with his weight my entire life. The excess calories are there to fill a need, with mechanisms similar to substance abuse or gambling addiction. “Just stop eating too much” can feel like an unachievable goal.

        Any weight loss of an obese person should be combined with psychiatric care, because if you don’t identify WHY you are eating so much, you might just trade one addiction for another one.

        • Ookami38@sh.itjust.works
          3 months ago

          Having a dick is all well and good, but I don’t think I’d want to interact with a person who was entirely 100% a penis. Big difference between having and being.

          • dream_weasel@sh.itjust.works
            3 months ago

            A) that’s just like, your opinion, man.

            B). You against GMOs too?! Like, someone worked hard to breed him (and me) at near 100% dick. We bananas wouldn’t even be edible if not for selective breeding to increase phallusy-ness!