A non-hormonal, reversible and non-toxic male birth control could be a step closer, with scientists successfully targeting a protein that's crucial in making fertile sperm. Knocking this protein out for a period of time would give men control over their protection window, much like oral…
That is actually not true. Not downplaying the significance of these affects, but…
In the 60s and 70s a large number of planned parenthood clinics were in low-income and predominantly black neighbourhoods, aimed at reducing the number of black babies.
In the same era birth control (more appropriately termed eugenics) programs forcibly sterilized black and indigenous women. Where it was presented as an option, the consequence for not following through on these doctor’s “recommendations,” were threats to withhold healthcare or public assistance. The statistics through the 60s and 70s were that roughly 1 in 4 were non-consenually sterilized.
But also, yeah, the results of this trial are fucked and people are right to be skeptical of this drug.
More info on this here:
I had assumed the women weren’t sterilised by the normal contraceptive meds, but it seems they used a large dose of Depo-Provera which is a legit contraceptive injection. Not the usual pills but still.
There are also stories in that article of people having forced hysterectomies.
America’s history of racism is so dark.