“the good parts” of Christianity would be an A4 at most, not a book.
Maybe work on that inflated ego first.
Imagine thinking that disliking comments about inborn characteristics is equatable to being an incel.
This is literally like reps calling everything they dislike Socialism ™️ or Woke.
Educate yourself, for someone called “nurse” you clearly suck at bio.
I speak 4? So fuck right off?
The usual “you must be someone’s alt account, there’s no way I could possibly be wrong” -ego-trip.
How megalomaniacal are you, really? That head of yours seems pretty inflated.
You know what else is against the ToS? Using your alts to downvote the entire history of someone’s comments lmao. Go take some sleepy pills.
You’re still here? I bet there’s a window near you. Use it.
On top of being a piece of shit, you’re an idiot then?
Nice red herrings! Think I wouldn’t notice you putting words in my mouth?
You know full well you’re a piece of shit because of how arrogant and full of yourself you are, get off that high horse, you cunt.
Gtfo with this broken-level Engrish.
You’re certainly a piece of shit. Impressively yucky.