formerly /u/squirrelrampage on Reddit

  • 29 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • No, you see it’s not like education makes you see past your own prejudices and that makes you more liberal. If you are liberal you get awarded an education by the shadowy cabal that controls the education system with DEI measures! This guy only wants a tRuE mERiToCrACy where disenfranchised, downtrodden bigots get a chance to attend university where they are taught about the superiority of their white Aryan race.

    /s if it isn’t apparent.

  • WillStealYourUsername has already given a very good overview, to add to that…

    It is a highly individual process and while many trans people share certain experiences, no two trans people will have exactly the same kind of journey.

    While the public perception of trans people is very much focused on the rather rare cases of young children who will insist on being trans from an early age on. While these cases definitely exist, far more trans people are going through a gradual process of realization. There may be a final “egg crack” (the moment of final realization), but it is usually preceded by a slow process of smaller realizations and it is nowhere near a linear process…

    As WillStealYourUsername describes so well, in hindsight all the signs and individual quirks make sense, but most people have to attain a certain level of self-acceptance before being able to recognize the various symptoms for what they are.

    In my personal case, it was an intense jealousy of fem people that would never go away and culminated in a moment where I had an emotional meltdown over a fictional character who transitioned from male to female in their storyline. That’s when I finally realized that I could do the same thing if I got my shit together and accepted being trans.

  • Of course, everybody responds differently to such things. For me… (spoilered for those who still want to play it)

    description of gameplay

    the moment when you step though one of doors at the end and the game uses the related pronouns was a very powerful one. I did not even dare to step through the “right one” the first time I played the game and was very emotional when I did during a later playthrough.

    But ultimately everyone has to find their own way to figures themselves out. So I will keep my fingers crossed that you will find yours.