• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023


  • Since the comments all appear to be juvenile Reddit style jokes, here’s TFA (the frickin article: https://futurism.com/scientists-selectively-erased-memories-in-snails-are-we-next#

    Note, I’m not a scientist.

    As I suspected it appears they tortured the snails somehow (my guess is electric shock) to create traumatic memories. This has been done with caterpillars I think to see if they retain memories after turning into butterflies and they do, despite basically turning into primordial goop in the cocoon. They do, and it’s tested by seeing if they retain aversions to certain areas of their cages that are electrified.

    Then something about enzymes created which associate memory with pain and being able to target them.

    Pretty cool, and I for one definitely have a few traumas I’d like erased.

  • Have kids if you want. It’s just insane to me to plan your entire life and make major decisions on a cataclysm that may or may not even occur in your lifetime; and it (climate change) may present in ways that we can’t even imagine now.

    Edit, fine, fuck me, it’s raining fire and brimstone out there, billions of people are dying in the streets, the horsemen of the apocalypse are here, it’s game over for the human species, my bad. Nobody have kids, it’s over, might as well just shoot yourself right now.

  • My advice is to live your life as best as you can without worrying too much about things you can’t control. Try and build a life around yourself that’ll help you be happy through it all, regardless of what happens. Enjoy your 20’s. 30’s are good too and 40’s don’t suck either.

    To paraphrase Sun Tzu: do not choose a path to victory. Instead, choose a strategy such that all paths lead to victory.

  • I’m so sick and tired of every single website and service trying to push an app on me. No, I don’t want to download your stupid shitty app, I’ve got dozens and I don’t want another one that I don’t use that interrupts me to push stupid notifications. Now get off my lawn!