Fire Inland.
That’s why you do that sort of stuff inland.
Funnily enough, due to Western culture marriage has become a business so ‘partner’ is more accurate.
Why bother when you can just skim the money via bullshit “agencies”.
It’s what Reagan wanted.
Read about this and more in the latest issue of Duh Magazine. (Paraphrasing Norm MacDonald)
I didn’t know that was a thing. Thanks. I’ll look in to that.
“I shot the clerk”
They should force Hillary on us again.
He was my friend. He was a mensch.
I loved him and I’m so happy you folks here on Lemmy loved him too. I love you.
Get out and do something. Stay in and do something. Do something.
So another (arguably well-intentioned) law written by people who have never worked or ran a business.
The New York Times printed a story about rapes and beheadings. It was highly misleading.
Give your workers a liveable wage! Give me a cheeseburger for $.99!
They are all so, so gay and so, so scared by it.
What local section of the Times? Maybe 20 years ago.
That website is poison aids. That’s the fucking official AP site? We’re doomed.
Americans can’t drive. It’s far too easy to get a drivers license in the USA. Auto lobby, blahblahblah.