So basically, why limit the government which fucks you up, if you can become the government yourself and fuck up everyone you don’t like instead. Well, I don’t consider my chances of getting into power to be that great.
Proletarian dictatorship states are based af though.
Nah, they’re cringe. Exploring the history of proletarian dictatorships over the last century is like watching clowns getting out of Volkswagen beetle. It’s very tiny, but more and more clowns come out. Same vibes with proletarian dictatorships. The more you look into them, the more cringe comes out.
Many nazis/monarchists wrap their ideology in ancap. Like, “I’m an ancap. In the ideal ancap world, my ideal ancap community will have a king and maintain racial purity”
Hmm, I wonder why Comcast and Verizon can trample on you?
Government sure has nothing to do with major corporations being able to walk over them. Government and big money are surely on opposite sides and Government is protecting its people.
Because people on the right don’t go into anaphylactic shock when they hear words “authoritarian”, “dictatorship”, “no democracy”, etc.
You don’t give the government power by voting. You give the media power by voting.
And Russia will answer