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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: December 28th, 2023


  • It would take a super genius to understand that they’re either a non-native English speaker or made a simple typo/autocorrect issue. Also, since it’s completely impossible to even guess at the point they’re trying to make through the context of every other word in their comment we all owe you a debt of gratitude for calling this out!

    Thank you, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, for adding something incredibly meaningful to the conversation and the world as a whole!

    Oh no… I just saw this comment in a different thread from 2 hours ago, and it MAKES NO SENSE:

    Doctors today face a demand form their services that, while we can’t guarantee will get them.jigher wages, can give them more leeway against unwritten political rules of speech.

    What is a doctor’s “demand form?” And “them.jigher” isn’t a term I could find anywhere on the internet! I don’t understand what the author, corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca, was trying to say! It’s all just gibberish! I feel good calling it out though. I’m sure that corsicanguppy@lemmy.ca will be grateful for my much-needed help and not think I’m a dick for detracting from their point to assert my knowledge of English grammar over them.

  • I can’t stress this enough: OP’s account is obviously a Chinese propaganda account. All they do is point out issues with the West (good) and dismiss absolutely any criticism against China (bad). They claim to be some leftist dude in Canada. The prolific posting alone couldn’t be one person with other activities in their life like eating food or sleeping.

    Oh, and this post links to Iranian state news. OP often falls back on calling criticism of China western media lies but Iranian news sources are good to go I guess.

    Just block their account and enjoy way less China is Perfect spam.

  • You can’t fix the problems caused by capitalism with capitalism. Those homeless people employed by that beautiful company in your made up example don’t have a home because companies and the governments they write the laws for value profit over human life. Homelessness is overwhelmingly a mentally health issue which becomes an addiction issue, but here in the US all health care, much less mental health care, is a for-profit venture. And the open market that you seem to respect so much has made renting and home ownership unattainable for countless millions.

    You sound like everyone else who believes everything they learned in econ 101, that capitalism rights itself because it’s in people’s best interests to do so. You’re out of touch with the reality of so many peoples lives, and you only emphasized it with your fantasy about “good capitalism.” You can blame all of Lemmy or all the “brainwashed” people who tell you how far your perception of reality is skewed, but I hope you can continue learning about what life is like for people who don’t have your privilege or luck and are moved to reconsider your stance.

  • mako@lemmy.todaytoLemmy Shitpost@lemmy.world🤢...
    8 months ago

    I don’t know what “brutal science” is but I do know that the scientific process was used in many peer-reviewed studies to understand what lives in our shit. That holds a lot more weight for me than what an anonymous poster feels might be right in regards to the same subject matter.

    Furthermore, the greater concept here is that we as a species have access to actual information by powers of magnitude more then ever before in human history and yet a significant percentage of the population believe that vaccines cause autism because a washed up Playboy bunny repeated what she read from a discredited “doctor” and it caught on like wildfire.

    People in general too often believe what they hear or read without legitimate evidence. Disinformation exists at best because people unconsciously believe their opinions are just as valid as peer-reviewed research, and at worst to weaponize information for personal gain. Whatever the intent it’s a plague on humanity and I won’t apologize for calling it out when seen. If that’s too “brutal” for you I hope you can get to a place where reading cited information in response to opinion doesn’t disrupt your sensitivities.

  • I mean logically the kind of shit that grows on your dishes isn’t much better for you than the literal shit that a toilet brush would scrub out of your toilet bowl.

    First, what the fuck is growing on your dishes that you believe is “logically” equivalent to eating human shit? Second, this isn’t a logic problem or a place for opinion. All the work was already done for you, just waiting for you to look it up instead of giving your opinion on bacteria.

    Human shit also doesn’t only contain bacteria. There’s estimated100 million -1 billion virus per gram of wet shit inside of us. Fungi are estimated at up to a million microorganisms per gram of shit and there’s around 100 billion bacteria per gram of wet shit. Let’s not forget parasites like cryptosporidium which your body purges in shit.

    Meanwhile either giving your dishes a cursory rinse or not allowing them to sit covered in food for multiple days at a time would minimize bacterial or fungal growth on your dishes.

    This is a reminder for everyone: your opinion on facts that you can’t be bothered to type in a search box are less than worthless. They’re disinformation and in sone cases, like telling people that eating shit is no more harmful that licking a plate, can cause harm.

    Just say no to opinions on what facts may or may not be.