Well, previous approach was a dead end in terms of functionality and platform support. I’d like to think of it as a prototype. BTW, the test suit was written in Python and had been left in touch to ensure the same behavior if the rework.
Well, previous approach was a dead end in terms of functionality and platform support. I’d like to think of it as a prototype. BTW, the test suit was written in Python and had been left in touch to ensure the same behavior if the rework.
Does this mean that it will become PG 16 after this change?
Let’s start from the fact that Session isn’t Signal form anymore. It was started as that but now it has its own protocol and it’s fully decentralized. It doesn’t require any user data to operate (not a phone number nor email). Links to a protocol evolution stage from 2020 doesn’t help either. Nowadays all messages are end-to-end encrypted (except just public chat rooms). The post looks like uneducated rant or worse direct attack on Session. Which is the most secure and private messenger out there at this moment. Session and Signal are simply from different worlds now.
I guess it will impact heavily those who took days off in a protest to the new community guidelines…
Well, it’s still a modified custom distro and other distros will need to invest extra effort to be able to run there. So, no actual freedom of choice for users again…
The features I use Linux for never were in Windows and probably never will be.
Sorry, but in general “not everybody needs it” isn’t a valid argument against a feature. Those that don’t need it are free to not using it.
The question should be whether or not in will be useful for a significant number of users.
3D shooters – hard no. Everything else pretty much ok: city building, civilization. I play arcade games using gamepad though. However, I’ve got my best records in gnome-mines using trackball:) The game is a good way of training using one as well
I’ve moved to trackballs several years ago
I don’t have a solution for you. Just wanted to cheer you up a little with my experience in a similar situation. In my case those phantom clicks and mouse movement were from a wireless mouse my kid uses which he was fiddling with like it’s a fidget in another room thinking he has turned it off.
😄 thanks
Horizon Zero Dawn movie? Sign me up
Who could’ve thought that the thing Linux was worst for (gaming) would finally conquer Windows…
Upd: why down votes? Am I wrong? My first Desktop Linux was Ubuntu 6.04 in 2006. Back then I could only dream of what we’re witnessing nowadays.
At least it will be clear which one is high tier and which is the opposite. Precision and latitude are incomparable except one reads their specs. Also, I assume they aren’t touching G-series and that’s the only one that matters to me:) G15 is just an amazing product.
Closing the shop will achieve that goal perfectly.
Article is behind pay/account wall. Cannot read.
Looks like it’s time for Three Laws of Robotics to be deployed…
I don’t see anyone mentions htop
. So, I will:)
Just works, could be installed in any distro. Much more friendly than top but isn’t bloated with features as some other alternatives are.
Lately, their posts on Mastodon became full of comments questioning their CEO political views. I guess, this is the answer to those, a clear one.