What EU wants is irrelevant though
a cool (brr) dude
What EU wants is irrelevant though
what are you gonna do now? i might switch to keepassxc but i don’t wanna learn new stuff.
Out of the 800,000 people each year who committed suicide, on average perhaps more capable than the rest of us, what if a few would have been instrumental in developing fusion power?
I don’t like arguments like this. Especially when it comes from someone in the tech field. It seems to imply that climate change is a technical problem and that some silver bullet solution from a savant will solve it. Meanwhile in the real world, the economic and political system has been blowing all the increasing energy capacity on useless stuff like cryptocurrency and now AI.
Maybe rocket.chat?
I’ll relay this to Xi Jinping immediately he’ll be glad to know of your approval
How do the SaaS AI code assistants work? I am guessing they have to send the entire file or the codebase to their datacenter. Won’t this be a problem for corporations who want to protect their codebase?
we maintain the same goal – to build digital advertising solutions that respect individuals’ rights
Does it include the right to be able to choose not to be advertised to?
Yes, advertising enables free access to most of what the internet provides
What does this even mean?
I don’t read their blog posts but seems like they have fully embraced startup lingo.
It’s not how open source works but how venture funding works which is boggling minds here
Git is decentralised by nature. It’s what allows mirroring the repo on other forges even when git repos are hosted on proprietary platforms like GitHub.
They have always equated sovereignty with instability
In UNGA resolutions China always votes against Israel in favour of Palestine. Voting records are publicly available here: https://digitallibrary.un.org/search?ln=en&cc=Voting+Data
What’s matrix 2.0? Are they finally gonna use the go backend as opposed to the python one?
just change the law bro its simple bro
It said something else before the edit but it’s all good now.
How does one be a populist while not pander to the public.
I would say that is largely irrelevant. Chinese EVs are so much cheaper there is no way Western producers can compete with them barring tariffs. In a level playing field Chinese companies will completely push out the Western ones in low- and mid-range market. For luxury vehicles maybe the brand recognition can save them but in a tight economy cheaper cars will attract a lot of attention.
as well as their own operations in China
This is the reason. It is not because of their interest in fairness or free market (there is none), but because China is both critical to their production process and a massive market that cannot be ignored. If China retaliates their execs won’t be able to buy their tenth yacht.
It’s Glowtime
Yeah. Progressive bracketing of income tax is only one aspect of the whole thing. It gets a lot of attention but once you take into account taxes on everything else, which also includes the most basic groceries for some reason, the non-wealthy end up getting taxed more proportionally to their income.