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Joined 6 months ago
Cake day: April 3rd, 2024

  • I you make your own, there is no risk for blindness. Blindness comes from methanol, not ethanol. If you use a yeast based process to produce the alcohol and then distill it, there is no way to accidentally produce methanol in that process. The cases where people get blind or die from moonshine stems from when the feds replaced moonshine with methanol to be able to make that claim and disrupt the business of organized crime during the prohibition. There are still cases now and then where people try to make drinkable alcohol from some industrial base and don’t know how to.

    TLDR: Don’t buy, make.

  • Yeah. Gets expensive. I’ve been buying a lot of second hand which for base items like tops and tees works pretty well. If it doesn’t fit, I just return it. I buy the very cheapest ones for just wearing around the house or for working in the garden or the car and stuff like that.

    Depending on where you are, online second hand may not be an option, but if it is, it can save you some money.

    I haven’t found my look yet so there is a lot of experimenting and to keep the cost manageable, second hand is a great choice. Although I may love an item I’ve bought, I may never wear it again, because I’m over 50 and not a 16 year old punk girl. I’m still in denial about that.

    I too do the “maybe it’ll work despite being two sizes too small” thing. It never does so back it goes. I’ve learned from my ex wife to ruthlessly send back things that doesn’t fit or doesn’t look good on you when you try them on. She easily sends back 70% of what she orders. As a baby trans, I have no idea what I’m doing so I don’t feel bad about sending a lot of stuff back. That said, I do keep a lot of clothes that I most likely never will wear again.

  • His whole look is very not butch. That beard is very well groomed and his hair is immaculate. His skin also looks very cared for. I do believe his dear papa may have been a lumberjack.

    Nothing wrong with that of course, but I think he would be a lot happier if he just embraced it, poor thing.

  • Maybe not as pretty as you, but I’ll take it. I will also turn 50 in a couple of years ago.

    I feel you about the beard, I had mine for the better part of 20 years. My face was not pleased with me when I shaved. Shocked, even.

    I’m one of those that managed to hide my inner girl even from myself until pretty recently. Oh, there were clues and signs aplenty but I didn’t see 'em. I’ve never been classically feminine or even had classically feminine interests which is part of why it took me so long to understand. I’m more of a grease monkey biker chick. I know that’s valid of course, but it did hamper my discovery. How much of that is me and much is “the mask”, I don’t know. I do buy and wear a lot of pink stuff too, so who knows? But I try to not worry too much about it, I can’t go around second guessing everything I do.

    But I always disliked what I saw in the mirror and a low self confidence is par for the course with that. I will try your method of convincing myself I’ve been wrong all these years. Can’t hurt. As you say, we’re beautiful. Now I just gotta believe it too. 😅

  • You go girl. I’m a bit jealous of your courage, but it also gives me someone to look up to. I haven’t dared going out in full kit yet, I do it slowly instead. Not sure why, but it feels better for me.

    We actually look kinda similar and are of similar age, I think. Not twins similar, but siblings maybe. Actually more similar than my actual brothers, but noone guesses we are siblings unless they’re told. I have a hard time looking in the mirror and see what I want to see, but it is easier to be objective when looking at someone else and you look amazing. Maybe I can look good too, you know? Thank you for sharing, it really does help.

  • It is the only time when I can really pump up the jam and go nuts. You can’t do it at home because your neighbors will murder you if you are loud enough. It is also unfair to lay all the dB’s on the same people all the time. That said, I only use the kind of volume that makes it hard to see straight during the morning commute. It is annoying for the closest 400 cars, but not as annoying as if I fall asleep and plow right into you. Yes, I have already OD’d on coffee to the point of seeing god in the rear view mirror by that time, but I am still fully capable of falling spontaneously asleep, thank you very much. So think before you get too annoyed in the future. That obnoxiously loud asshole may just have saved your life by playing bagpipe music at a volume that makes the clouds shift above her car. You’re welcome.