The article already has one example: “Juneau, Alaska, voted to remove fluoride from its drinking water in 2007. A study published in the journal BMC Oral Health in 2018 compared the dental records of children and adolescents who received dental care for decaying teeth four years before and five years after the city stopped adding fluoride to the water. Cavity-related procedures and treatment costs were significantly higher in the latter group, the study found.”
Fun fact - we will intentionally inject (small) bubbles of air into your veins to look for connections between chambers of your heart that shouldn’t be there. It’s called a Bubble Study.
Looks like evremap will do what I want, plus a nifty bonus! The following config lets me use CapsLock + N/P/etc to navigate. And if I just tap CapsLock without pressing anything else, it will act as escape.
device_name = "Telink Wireless Receiver"
input = "KEY_CAPSLOCK"
hold = ["KEY_F19"]
tap = ["KEY_ESC"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_N"]
output = ["KEY_DOWN"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_P"]
output = ["KEY_UP"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_B"]
output = ["KEY_LEFT"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_F"]
output = ["KEY_RIGHT"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_A"]
output = ["KEY_HOME"]
input = ["KEY_F19", "KEY_E"]
output = ["KEY_END"]
Note: I used F19 because it doesn’t seem to be bound to anything by default. Apparently, a bunch of the other function keys already did things, as described in /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet
$ cat /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet | grep FK13
key { [ XF86Tools ] };
key { [ XF86MailForward ] };
key { [ XF86Word ] }; // F2
key { [ XF86MailForward ] }; // F3
$ cat /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/inet | grep FK20
key { [ XF86AudioMicMute ] };
Thank you for the suggestions! I’ll dig into these tonight and see what I can get working.
Added “mdns” service to allowed list for public zone, still get the SANE error. (Previously added 5353 UDP per another suggestion – sounds like this is the port for mDNS)
No change with allowing 5353 UDP through the firewall, unfortunately. But thank you for the suggestion!
A nurse at work had “CA$H MONEY” tattooed inside her lip. Sounded like the result of a drunken dare/bet.
I often leave Steam running in the background. Indeed, KDE seems to be suspending more reliably after I exit Steam. Thanks for the suggestion!