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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Jobs’ vision was fundamentally to make technology accessible to the masses. In the same way Henry Ford made cars accessible to everyone. We see this in the Macintosh which brought desktop computing with a GUI that “if you can point, you already know how to use it”. The iPod brought what was a chaotic, fragmented, quagmire of digital music into a form that was accessible to everyone. The iPhone was a mobile experience that through touch and skeuomorphic familiarity brought smartphones to everyone including your grandma.

    He succeeded, but the motivation behind that is more interesting. Was it genuinely for the good of humanity, that is to advance human progress. Or was it because he knew it was the best way to create a captive market which he could then manipulate and control, and profit off?

    As for Apple today, if you follow the steps in making tech accessible above, the next frontier is AI. So the question Apple would be looking to solve is how to make AI accessible to everyone. What form that takes and how it comes to life is the mystery. It’s not going to be a chat interface.

  • I worked in design for a major global automaker, I designed and prototyped various user experiences around enabling/disabling features on demand, and paying a subscription. This was 7-8 years ago, and the context was developing countries and what we called “emerging markets” where people just bought bare bones base model vehicles, but there were always 1 or 2 highly desirable features they needed but could only get in a high spec model - they couldn’t afford.

    The idea tested very well, they could buy their cheap vehicle and then enable just the things they really need. And they would pay for that. I still think this is a valid and good use case for subscribing, in these markets and for these people.

    Somewhere between then and today, sales and marketing entered the chat, and I know because I fought them tooth and nail. What I designed morphed into subscribing to everything for everyone. I don’t work there any more and that’s part of why.