• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • “Let the other societies take the skilled, the hopefuls, the ambitious, the self-confident. He’d take the whining resentful ones, the ones with a bellyful of spite and bile, the ones who knew they could make it big if only they’d been given the chance. Give him the ones in which the floods of venom and vindictiveness were dammed up behind thin walls of ineptitude and lowgrade paranoia. And stupidity, too. They’ve all sworn the oath, he thought, but not a man jack of ’em has even asked what a figgin is.”

    GNU TPratchett.
    He certainly knew what’s up!

  • How do you cope with all this without just giving up?

    By making it personal.
    No but seriously, in my country (Germoney) a terrible plan of the far-right fucknuggets got revealed and the people are taking it to the streets in response. During this week, I activated quite a number of co-workers to BE there this weekend. You can change people, you can change them with respect, words and your deeds. I’m a firm believer of “do good and talk about it”. The process is a bit grindy though, ngl ;)