• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • Inflation is like acceleration, prices are like speed. If you’re in a space ship moving at a fixed speed, you are* moving* in a direction. Acceleration means your speed is increasing. You’re moving in a direction, faster than before. If you stop accelerating, you’re still moving and you keep all the speed you gained from when you were accelerating. The only way to slow down is to decelerate-- put energy into moving the opposite direction. That would be equivalent to deflation, which has historically been very bad for the economy.

  • It doesn’t have to be the main GPU. I’m not even sure it would be possible to pass through integrated graphics. But if all you need is HDMI output, you can use the absolute cheapest GPU you can find (assuming there’s an open PCIe slot). PCIe pass-through does require CPU support (Intel VT-d or AMD-Vi) on the host and may need to be enabled in the BIOS/UEFI. I have an NVIDIA Telsa card passed through to a VM on my Proxmox server, but I’m only using it for compute; my card doesn’t even have a video output.

  • OK, and compared to what? “Less” is a comparison, but you didn’t specify what you’re comparing Debian to.
    Out-of-the-box RAM usage is a pretty specious metric because you’re not installing Debian (or any other OS) just to have sit there in its out-of-the-box condition. Do you think a Debian server running Apache with 1000 vhosts will use less RAM than a RHEL server running nginx with 10 vhosts?

  • SMB is a network protocol developed by Microsoft. It’s the protocol used by Windows computers to share files with each other. But the protocol was reverse-engineered and a program called Samba provides SMB functionality on Linux. You only see print$ because your Samba isn’t configured with any file shares. You’ll have to configure it. You can find guides online about how to configure Samba. Samba also maintains its own user list independent of the system. That’s why your local account password didn’t work.

  • It’s also worth asking whether the GOP is irredeemably lost. Just 20 years ago, the Republican zeitgeist was about “compassionate conservatism” and “spreading democracy.” Times change, and pendulums swing back and forth (at least, we can hope they do).

    Just 20 years ago, the Republican party’s mask of respectability was firmly in place. They used euphemisms like “compassionate conservatism” to make their contempt for the poor seem less than absolute. And “spreading democracy” was only ever an excuse to expand the military-industrial complex. The author hasn’t accepted that whatever good he believes is worth saving in the Republican party is just the bamboozle.