I use Yarr (Yet Another RSS Reader). It can be easily deployed with Docker Compose and does the job nicely:
I use Yarr (Yet Another RSS Reader). It can be easily deployed with Docker Compose and does the job nicely:
This is going to be unpopular, but you can easily compile both Python and R and configure them to your liking. For Python you can even use Anaconda3 and forget about installing most packages by yourself.
As for Julia, I usually just install the precompiled binary package.
So, any distribution you feel comfortable with will do.
I am 40 years old. I inherited an IBM PS2 Model 70 with a 386 processor from my cousins. I used it to play games like Skybox, Indiana Jones, and Prince of Persia, create birthday invitations, and write documents in WordPerfect 5.
I still have some commands memorized to uncompress stuff with ARJ.
I must admit that I eventually got used to it and even started enjoying this attitude, which I also took part in, but I was quite amazed by the Finns.
For work reasons, I had to spend three months in Espoo and the interaction with my colleagues was strangely cold in social interactions. Examples:
I ended up enjoying this way of social interaction. It seems to me that one uses less energy in social situations. There’s less stress about having to make conversation or engage in small talks.
Love you Finland.
Sorry, but I mixed up apps. I have Yarr directly set up as a systemd service:
[Unit] Description=Yarr Service After=network.target
[Service] ExecStart=/home/darkl1nk/yarr/yarr -auth-file=/home/darkl1nk/yarr/auth.file WorkingDirectory=/home/dark
I downloaded the precompiled package (https://github.com/nkanaev/yarr/releases/download/v2.4/yarr-v2.4-linux64.zip) and placed it at my home directory. Then created a site for nginx to map my subdomain to the local port 7070.