• 3 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024

  • Usually the blood work will vary heavily depending on when you last took a dose. When I get blood work, I do it right before I am going to inject so that the blood levels are at the lowest they could be (the “trough”). With oral I would imagine your E blood levels will fluctuate significantly, so when you last took a pill will make a big difference in terms of what your blood labs show.

    The problem with taking larger and larger oral doses is that it doesn’t absorb better and you are just potentially taxing your liver. At the very least I would try out sublingual route and see if that helps 🤷‍♀️

    I wish you luck dear, it’s not easy figuring this stuff out (esp. with clueless doctors).

  • So your testosterone is really low !! But I would personally consider estrogen too low, though you know your own body best. When did you get the blood work done compared to the last dose you took?

    I think the common conservative recommendation is to have between 100 - 200 pg/mL so your blood work looks good on paper, but I personally found below 300 at trough was mentally difficult for me. I use estrogen as my anti-androgen (“monotherapy”), so I take a larger dose than most.

    You might consider aiming for higher blood levels of E and with a better & safer route of administration.

    I am a wuss too, it was extremely difficult for me to overcome my needle phobia (I mean, literally breaking down crying after some injections, taking a long time to overcome the mental block to actually push the needle in, just so so so hard for me). But you do get used to it, and it’s not bad after you get some practice.

    Also, I inject subcutaneously, so I use really small needles that don’t hurt at all (literally, I sometimes can’t feel the needle). That was crucial for me in overcoming needle phobia, I think it would be much harder to inject intramuscularly (IM).

    Even if you still can’t do injections, I would encourage doing something to avoid oral, even sublingual troches which have their own problems might still help with absorption, and even better would be patches or gel.

    If you haven’t already read it, I highly recommend reading this: https://transfemscience.org/articles/transfem-intro/

    It’s a bit long and technical, but it might help (it certainly helped me).

  • You’ve been on HRT for a decade? If you don’t mind me asking, what ester & dose and what route of administration? Do you get blood tests and if so what are your levels like?

    IRL I met some trans elders who had been on HRT for a while and didn’t see any effects from it (almost no breast growth or much change to their face beyond skin softening some, etc.). I think they were taking the estrogen orally, and they weren’t sure exactly about their blood levels, but they thought they were fine.

    When taken orally, I think around 80% of the estrogen is filtered out by the liver, so it can be hard to get enough estrogen that way and there are peaks and troughs multiple times a day (it is ideal when taking oral to dose 3 - 5 times a day to ensure even and adequate estrogen through the day). Patches & gel are all better than oral, but injections seem the best in terms of getting a consistently high enough level of estrogen.

  • Sorry, I still don’t understand where you are coming from. Do you mean a loophole to avoid discrimination against you, or a loophole that enables discrimination?

    EDIT: If it’s the latter, LGBTQ+ housing discrimination is legal because the Fair Housing Act does not mention sexual orientation or gender identity as protected classes, so housing discrimination based on those attributes are legal by default, and only outlawed in states that passed legislation to do so, see the map here.

    If you are asking about the mechanism of how discrimination works, and how to evade that discrimination as a person in a LGBTQ+ category, that is a big topic and the answers are highly contextual. The obvious strategy is to try to hide or make less obvious your sexual orientation or gender identity, which is easier for some and impossible for others.

    For example, if you are a married same-sex couple who both want to be on a lease together, it might to be harder to hide your sexual orientation from a potential landlord you are trying to get that lease with. Others might find a way to make it seem as though they are just roommates. Not every gay person is equally capable of passing as straight.

    Another example: if you have recently started transitioning and you are visibly trans (i.e. not cis-passing), you are much more likely to have your application to rent an apartment or house denied (HUD found in 2011 that 19% of trans people surveyed reported this happening to them). Whether you are cis-passing is based on a lot of factors out of your control, such as how much money and time you can sink into your transition (e.g. many trans people can’t afford expensive laser hair removal and gender affirming surgeries), how early you started your transition, how long you have been transitioning, whether you are taking hormones, and of course a lot of it is dependent on genetics.

  • It might just be that I don’t watch TV adverts and I use uBlock origin so I don’t see ads online, so my main marketing comes from native ads (like stories on the radio) or billboards when driving places. I guess I mean the environment determines whether how those associations are built, for example I will forever associate British Petroleum with dinosaurs because my parents taped a dinosaur special on VHS and the big BP oil spill had happened so they were running lots of repetitive ads, so to get through my educational dinosaur show I had to at the very least regularly fast forward through these ads.

  • for anyone who doesn’t have the time or want to watch the video, here’s a description:


    The video shows happy scenes centered around the home (kids playing, food being prepared, people reading to one another, hanging laundry on a clothesline in the sun, etc.) while voice-over recites what sounds like a poem about the comforts of home.

    The poem is abruptly cut-off as the front-door of the house is slammed shut.

    Text is shown that says in 50% of states in the U.S. you can legally be denied housing for being LGBTQ+.

    There is a montage of various faces of LGBTQ+ people as the voice (revealed to be a Black trans woman) says they all deserve a place to call home.

    The ad ends directing people to lovehasnolabels.com

  • Yeah, I like to get distracted and sucked into things, esp. on the computer. When I get that way I don’t get hungry or thirsty, I don’t realize I need to use the restroom, etc. - just completely ignoring the body (which is nice for me). I’m pretty sure it ruins my posture and creates muscular-skeletal problems, too.

    Either way, interesting idea about listening to sounds or music - maybe that would increase enjoyment, but I worry it would reduce the usefulness of the resting (part of what I think helps is that I seclude my senses and I usually lie down in a quiet and dark place). Still, something to explore and see if it wouldn’t make it easier to motivate me to do it instead of rotting on the screen.