Yeah, I rewatched that documentary recently and was really disappointed in some of their analysis.
Yeah, I rewatched that documentary recently and was really disappointed in some of their analysis.
Yeah, I’m sure trump and Elon are nailing all of their S.M.A.R.T. Goals with Putin
Yeah, I meant to inject him with all the measles. A good leader would never ask people to take on things he’s not willing to do himself, right?
Sounds like he is volunteering to get injected with some measles first. Also, I’m sorry for that and hope she’s able to stay away from it.
Be serious, Joe Rogan is at least 5’5”
Somehow, I think the Americans that want to reverse the gains (and whitewash the past) made over the last several decades by minorities and women are not likely to care about any other vulnerable people.
Yeah, so far, I’m really missing how we are becoming great again.
Ah, seems reasonable. Yeah, even paying for rebuilding with better materials and methods for the disasters might be even cheaper than moving large groups of existing people. But, please stop building stick and paper houses in these places lol
That’s ok, as a US citizen, I consider most of Trump’s actions domestic (and global) terrorism.
if it is, i would like that to be corrected for areas that continue to be disaster zones. i would rather pay to help some people move once than rebuild 3 or 4 times each over their lifetimes.
Or, you can do what I did and wait 45 years before getting diagnosed and then spend the next 5 years being just as productive as the previous 45 (yay adderall!)
In my opinion, he also wasn’t wrong about ego and how many people continue to build and re-build in places with continued natural disasters, then expect the rest of us to continue to bail them out.
Some of us tech people that liked sports, realized during Covid when they went away, that we only actually watched/attended sports to have something in common with others. I realized I didn’t need them, and didn’t miss giving any additional money to billionaires. Also, don’t get me started on tax money and stadiums lol
Also, traitor.
Great question. I have had a similar thought myself once, wondering if evolution extends across the multiverse.
Since I grew up feeling like I was in an authoritarian government since I was a child (anarchist age 50, USA), I’m going to guess I come out that way in an even more overt authoritarian government 🤣
Maybe you had more than three, since it’s Tuesday 🤣
Yeah. I bet they have shitty backups that probably aren’t even encrypted at rest
Yes, you have things to offer. So far, you are correct in that they don’t seem to be things I need, as you have only expressed things I have already learned, and either accepted, or discarded. Yet, you continue to try to give them to me. I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Again, I never said marginalized people can’t be racist. If you think I did, I would suggest again to look internally.
Thank you for the unsolicited advice, I always appreciate people that try to help. I would also point out, that sometimes people’s need to express a point that is important to them, clouds the message that they are trying to express. I don’t see myself as one that needs guidance from others, I have the universe and my self, and the writings of those that came before me to do that.
But, I still love you, because I see myself when I was younger in you. I did the same thing
Actually, yes I have. Right as I forgave them.