• 1 Post
Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 18th, 2024


  • I’ve taken it for years with no issue except constipation from time to time. Kratom is about as impactful to me as an acetaminophen pill and a couple cups of coffee, which is good since I have to be careful about which substances I put into my body. I take one teaspoon infrequently. The key to taking it is to not take too much. Less=more, since higher dosages start having an inverse effect.

    Articles like this one only seem to be creating hysteria where none should exist. We need more proper studies on the plant, but for now people should treat it like anything else: don’t overdo it. I mean, you wouldn’t take 15 acetaminophen tablets, and likewise you shouldn’t take dozens of grams of kratom at once.

  • Similarly to what the other guy said, I believe it’s because the ruling class wants to keep their power no matter what. Any burgeoning movement that threatens their hegemony can be nipped in the bud before it blossoms, because ‘the eye sees all’, or at least it wishes to.

    Most people don’t realize (or don’t care) just how one-sided our relationship with the government and corporations has gotten. The elites have a monopoly on violence, psychology, surveillance and means. If you were to start a movement that promises real change, you’d find it falling apart before it ever truly got started because you don’t have all the things I mentioned.

  • A clear plastic cup and a paper card large enough to cover the opening… Wait for the fly to land on a window, and approach slowly with the cup while distracting them with your other hand. When close, cover the fly by pressing the cup on the window and slip the card underneath the opening. It helps if the fly has tired itself out first. Works well for all manner of bugs.