I like cake.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 21st, 2023


  • Nobody of us was there. Luckily. You honestly believe that Hamas indeed invaded Israel with the intent to take hostages and “get rid of the oppressors” (like they announced before they invaded) but somehow Israel itself was faster to murder off its own civilians? That’s mental.

    Do I have issues with taking civilian hostages? Of course! But that objective is diametrically opposed to going on a mass murder spree.

    Let’s talk about sick reasoning then. Do you think the 3,000 rockets (Hamas claims it was 5,000) they shot at Israel on that single day were meant to take hostages, too? Certainly not. Hamas has been, and still is, claiming responsibility for deadly rocket and suicide attacks on an almost weekly basis. Mass murder is evidentially not beneath them. I doubt they would suddenly change their strategy when face to face with people they think of as oppressors. It’s also not hard to imagine a sick reasoning behind it: “Fill up the car, kill the rest.”

  • The iof murdered hundreds of israelis on October 7th by dropping bombs and firing tanks on them. There is literally footage of this you can watch and see for yourself.

    Citation needed. Sounds like a conspiracy theory.

    Why the fuck would people […]

    Religious fundamentalism.

    Fucking zionist.

    Massacres are wrong. Period. Stating that doesn’t make me a Zionist. Thousands of murders from one side don’t make hundreds of murders from the other side rightful. Massacres are never the right tool for any cause.

    Sidenote: Downvoting a comment that doesn’t agree with you and upvoting your own response seems like bad etiquette. You do know that all upvotes and downvotes in the fediverse are public, don’t you?

  • Nobody was arrested for supporting Palestine. Not a single person. Some specific people within the protests were temporary arrested for calling to murder Jews. That’s an important difference. Calling to murder someone is a crime in Germany. They will maybe have to pay a fine.

    Immigration policy was not changed to align with European fascists. The fascists want to stop immigration and deport all migrants and their descendants. Immigration under Green party policy is not only possible but wanted (and needed).

    Ukraine is not run by Neo-Nazis. I’d suggest you to stop watching so much Russian propaganda.

  • Nobody is arrested for protesting against Israel or genocide in Germany. That’s a blatant lie. Some people are being arrested temporary for their call to murder all Jews. There is a clear difference: There are thousands of people protesting peacefully against Israel’s war - only a few of them are overstepping hard while doing so. Stopping these select people from committing further crimes in accordance with the state of law is called nuance.

    Don’t commit crimes in Germany (call for murder) and nobody will arrest you.