This or eventually give a total amount to the couple and let them decide to split according to their needs (with a minum each partner, maybe).
This or eventually give a total amount to the couple and let them decide to split according to their needs (with a minum each partner, maybe).
It’s the typical toxic corporate pressure.
Fuck machismo.
I can believe that.
I’ve a afroamerican mate here in Sweden, kinda mad lad.
He’s from NY. Once he told me at every gig he was the only black guy in the crowd (90s), Punk, metal, he always was alone.
Anyway it seems he had a good time, but I guess NY it’s diffent from many other places in the Us.
It seems to me dems didn’t cared about voting for Harris. Only 64% voted and Trump won with a 23% of the population, really not much.
Italian here.
Why her campaign went wrong?
Really, really nasty move.
If it’s not the CIA it will be a coup from some smart ass****e high ranked in the military/party.
Humans are to greedy to live in a socialist peaceful world.