If AI was solely being used to advance scientific progress in exponential steps as it has for things like protein folding, I suspect these outlets would be all for it.
This isn’t the primary driver of capital investment in AI, though. AI is booming mostly because corporate executives see it as a way they can get the fruits of skilled labor without paying for it. I don’t have any more way of knowing these particular leftist organizations’ reasons than you do, but my assumption would be that their perspective is that AI in this context is literally the most powerful tool the bourgeoisie have ever had to exploit workers - one where the end goal is to not even need the workers anymore. You couldn’t design something more perfectly antithetical to leftist values than this application for generative AI, as it is created by using the owned products of others’ skilled labor to make it possible for the owner to remove the worker from the equation. Copyright and IP law is a weapon to combat that.
Edit - typos
In a physical medium, it’s way cheaper and easier to make light color thing dark than make a dark colored thing light. “Dark mode” books would require dyeing each sheet black, then painting the text on top of each sheet, rather than what is currently done, where we bleach each sheet white, then dye the text into each sheet.
Somewhat related - this is why printers use CMYK, rather than RGB. Computer screens use pure light, so they simply emit whatever combination of light they need to, and your eyes add them together. In a physical medium, however, what we see is based on what is reflected, i.e. not absorbed. Hence, each color of ink, in additive terms, is two colors together (cyan is green+blue, magenta is red+blue, etc). When you combine CMYK colors, you can precisely control what wavelengths of light are being absorbed in order to reflect the correct color.