Yea Here in the states the prusa mini + is $480 with the filament sensor.
The a1 mini is $300. Or $460 with the ams lite.
The a1 mini is $15 to ship while prusa os $45-66 depending on what I want
Also bambu is avaliable at microcenter by me while I dont k ow of any store that sells prusa here.
The new a1 is even a better value. $400 or $560 woth the ams lite vs the prusa mk3s at $650 for the kit or $900 built
I can get the a1 + A1 mini for just $50 more than the mk3s kit.
I’d love to support prusa but maybe they should think of opening a branch in the states or team up with a retail partner
I am deciding between the a1 or k1 since microcenter has the k1 for $430.
Did creality get the lidar workin?
I have a ender 3 v2 and flsun super racer and wanted a third printer to speed things up