Awoo [she/her]


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Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2020


  • The positions are elected by a vote at the supreme soviet assembly, those positions are elected by the soviets (councils) below the assembly, and those are elected by the soviets below that, and so on down to the lowest level where the local constituents vote.

    In the party it’s generally considered a “duty” though, especially among those that participated in the revolution like Stalin who treated loyalty to the organisation, self-sacrifice and subordination to it as a significant and necessary part of what made the revolution succeed. Thousands of people literally sacrificing their whole lives for the goal.

    As such, Stalin wouldn’t break a decision of the assembly just as he wouldn’t want anyone else to. If they said they still needed him in his post he did his duty and stayed despite not wanting to.

    He largely held equal powers to everyone else on the Council of Ministers, the position of Chairman didn’t have special powers. The General Secretary role of the party was invented by Lenin with the intention of it being used to break opposition in the party (perform purges). Once Stalin had successfully performed his purges and prevented split in the country/civil-war he saw the position as having completed its purpose and wanted rid of it, he didn’t like the cult of personality around himself and wanted people to view the government in a collective capacity rather than an individual leader kind of way. That’s obviously not what ended up being the perception though. Lots of hero worship got in the way.

  • Voices: Correct! Vote!

    Rykov: There is a proposal to vote.

    Voices: Yes, yes!

    Rykov: We are voting. Who is for comrade Stalin’s proposal to abolish the post of General Secretary? Who is opposed? Who abstains? Noone.

    October 16, 1952 (

    This article was taken from the Russian newspaper Glasnost devoted to the 120th Anniversary of Stalin’s birth, was the last speech at the CC [Central Committee] CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] before Stalin died. The text was being published for the very first time in the Soviet Union…

    …MOLOTOV – [Glasnost -] coming to the speaker’s tribune completely admits his mistakes before the CC, but he stated that he is and will always be a faithful disciple of Stalin.

    STALIN – (interrupting Molotov) This is nonsense. I have no students at all. We are all students of the great Lenin.

    [Glasnost -] Stalin suggested that they continue the agenda point by point and elect comrades into different committees of state.

    With no Politburo, there is now elected a Presidium of the CC CPSU in the enlarged CC and in the Secretariat of the CC CPSU altogether 36 members.

    In the new list of those elected are all members of the old Politbiuro – except that of comrade A. A. Andreev who, as everyone knows now is unfortunately completely deaf and thus can not function.

    VOICE FROM THE FLOOR – We need to elect comrade Stalin as the General Secretary of the CC CPSU and Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR.

    STALIN – No! I am asking that you relieve me of the two posts!

    MALENKOV – coming to the tribune: Comrades! We should all unanimously ask comrade Stalin, our leader and our teacher, to be again the General Secretary of the CC CPSU.

    Same attempt (A. I. Mgeladze, Stalin. Kakim ia ego znal. Strannitsy nedavnogo poshlogo. p. 118):

    At the first Plenum of the CC [Central Committee] of the CPSU [Communist Party of the Soviet Union] called after the XIX Congress of the Party (I had been elected member of the CC and took part in the work of this Plenum), Stalin really did present the question of General Secretary of the CC CPSU, or of the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. He referred to his age, overwork, said that other cadres had cropped up and there were people to replace him, for example, N.I. Bulganin could be appointed as Chairman of the Council of Ministers, but the CC members did not grant his request, all insisted that comrade Stalin remain at both positions.

  • Being a child killer among other people that have committed murders but still have some principles is usually not good. Not to mention being like THE child killer in Norway not just any child killer.

    I’m British, THE child killer here would’ve been Myra Hindley, would I have killed her in prison? Yes. Yes I would. I’m pretty sure there’s some fairly rough guys in there that would not take kindly to a person that slaughtered 69 kids one by one by one at a fucking summer camp.

    So many good future socialists died that day. I completely guarantee someone kills the fucker if he is mixed in with everyone.

    Not really sure why you think Norwegians are ontologically predisposed to not want to kill child mass murderers tbh.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    1 year ago

    This nazi propaganda again. I stopped reading at the first sentence and I’m blocking you. You’re a nazi and there’s literally no point in conversing with someone that is so blatantly acting in bad faith. If this conversation happened on the street with basically anyone here in Manc you’d be bricked over the back of the head.

  • Awoo [she/her]@hexbear.nettoLinux@lemmy.mlI had a journey
    1 year ago

    Please. There are so many examples of modern Communists claiming that the USSR and PRC aren’t “true communism” that’s it’s become a meme.

    Yeah? Which ones. Name a single major communist party.

    You are not referring to communists. You are referring to people like yourself, who are uneducated morons that don’t actually do any politics, but instead engage in politics as a source of entertainment through media. It’s a spectator sport for you, you’re not a participant, and neither are the “”“communists”“” that you claim oppose these things. There are a handful of trotskyist parties of relevance in the world today, and while some of those are critical of China and the Stalin period of the USSR they still uphold it other than Stalin. Even Trotsky himself wrote that he would have done everything Stalin did anyway.

    If you’re not in orgs, you’re simply not a participant. If you’re not doing something, you’re not a communist. You’re a spectator and a non-participant.

    What actually organising communists have this position? They don’t. Because you’re fucking wrong mate.

    No I meant Khazaks. The Holodomor killed the Kulaks and news of it got out to the West so it got the headlines. But the same Collective Farming experiments were tried im Khazakstsn and led to mass starvation that killed over half the native population.

    Stop saying holodomor dumbass it’s literally the word that nazis gave to the specifically Ukrainian part of the great famine as a means of playing down the holocaust and playing down the larger famine that happened at the time. I already told you to stop being a fucking nazi.

    This region had a famine every 5 years for 1000 years and this was the last ever famine to occur in the region, thanks to the soviets.