Avenza seems to be the go-to app nowadays. It works pretty well and all, but I’m wanting to know if there’s any software available that can allow a team of people to simultaneously access and make edits/notes to a geo-referenced map.

So, just for one example, I could add a placemarker on the map, and any of my team members who are also accessing that map will be able to see (in real time) the placemarker that I just made. Does this type of feature exist?

  • Daniel Quinn@lemmy.ca
    4 months ago

    This might be fun to write actually. Basically you need a central server you connect to via a websocket that would plot points out on a map (maybe with leaflet?) on receipt of notifications pushed via said socket.

    The trouble of course is that with a central server, you tend to incur costs, so you’d have to pay, unless some sort of P2P mesh could be established between participating parties. That’d be a fun problem to solve for sure.