I’m bored and want to practice my Rust skills. I am the creator of open-tv. If you have any idea for a linux desktop app, even if it seems quite complex, I will take it.
I’m bored and want to practice my Rust skills. I am the creator of open-tv. If you have any idea for a linux desktop app, even if it seems quite complex, I will take it.
An app that tracks how much time you spend using each app. Locally obviously. I want this information so I can see how much I should donate to each project each quarter.
This. This is a hole in the market I think.
Windows used to have a similar hidden feature that my friend used all the time to tracking his work projects, but they removed it some time ago.
This is a good idea. It could even be later expanded to a sort of “digital wellbeing” type use case with time limits or reminders on certain apps, etc…
I’m attempting to implement this a Hyprland plugin, I could adapt it to work with all Wayland based compositiors/DE’s fairly easily. It just provides the stats using a CLI command, I’m not a UI dev xD
This is a very interesting concept, and I would also like it. Would this even be possible on Wayland though? I know it should be possible on X11, but I’m unsure if the Wayland isolation would entirely prevent a usage tracking program like this from seeing what the focused window is, or seeing the total time a process has spent in the background (depending on what type of usage is being tracked).