The UN general assembly has voted overwhelmingly to back the Palestinian bid for full UN membership, in a move that signalled Israel’s growing isolation on the world stage amid global alarm over the war in Gaza and the extent of the humanitarian crisis in the strip. The move drew an immediate rebuke from Israel. Its envoy to the UN, Gilad Erdan, delivered a fiery denunciation of the resolution and its backers before the vote, and fed pages of the UN charter into a shredder. The Palestinian envoy, Riyad Mansour, highlighted that the vote was being held at a time when Rafah, Gaza’s southernmost city that is the last haven for many people, faced attack from Israeli forces

    4 months ago

    Certainly wish there would be more of something in between Charles IV era and XX century, at least among something known and popular.

    I myself am Russian, and know a bit of Interslavic (and learned a bit of basic Czech while there), so hopes are we’d figure communication out without English should we need to :D

    At least I managed it with some Czechs (and also Slovaks) who don’t speak English in Prague. Btw, I don’t know what makes the difference, exactly, but I can better understand Slovaks, even though languages should be nearly identical.

      4 months ago

      Medzi češtinou a slovenčinou sú poriad hocjaké rozdiely. Ťažko rozhodnúť, ktoré majú najväčšie vplyv na srozumitelnosť, ale tipoval bysom výslovnosť, ktorá je v slovenčine podobnejšia východnárom. Pripadá mi čudné, o koľko viac slov nemeckého pôvodu sa v tomto jazyke dá naísť: spomenám fľaša, marhuľa, cvikla, bravčový, kaleráb, štrajk.