• forgotaboutlaye@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Knitting. Always see people do it on the subway or watching tv without paying attention or trying. Spent a few hours trying to learn once and couldn’t do it.

    • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I hear crochet is easier, and more common than knitting. But I haven’t tried either so I could be entirely wrong.

    • acetanilide@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Crochet for me. It took me forever to figure out how to do it - to even get one simple stitch done. Somehow I figured it out but it’s still really hard

    • MxM111@kbin.social
      5 months ago

      Try converting to a socialist. Socialism is a system, not a human being. No wonder it is difficult to do that.

      • then_three_more@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        No, socialism is a set of ideals, beliefs and values as well as a system (you can’t have a system without the idea behind it afterall). It’s perfectly reasonable to convert someone into believing in a set of ideals, beliefs and values.

      • squid_slime@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        As a member of the democratic socialist party I often am out speaking to people and for the most part I receive a sincere and accepting response from the regular public, but sometimes I will speak with a working class right winger and they either dont want to know or regurgitate false information usually of the fear mongering verity so I dont think people are put off due to members, not saying it never happens where a member has put someone off but I can’t imagine it to be all that regular.

        • Well I’m not nessasarilly talking about you just a general thing I’ve noticed. Some socialists great we disagree its a civil discussion we both learn something about the others perspective. Most unfortunatly ends up with me being called racist or sexist or homophobic or transphobic or a Nazi for controversial beliefs such as equality of opportunity and being opposed to equality of outcome.

          • squid_slime@lemm.ee
            5 months ago

            Why would you be apposed to equality of outcome? Don’t you think the homeless on the streets deserve a liveable life, or the African Americans a way out of repression, and women should be able to walk home at night with out fear of rape. Then internationally the poorer country’s having their resources plundered by the capitalist while the residents have no education or clean water, hospitals, this all allowing the rich to live exceedingly extravagant lives.

            I doubt your racist or a Nazi but rather poorly information in socioeconomic and the greater reach capitalism has in devastating lives.

            • Because equality of outcome is guaranteed to breed inequality. We will see the same effects as the soviet union of people taking advantage of the system because why put any effort in if it doesnt make ur life any better. Ur point about no education that most certainly isn’t equality of oppertunity educate them abolish private funding of schools etc. Health care I would also argue is equality of oppertunity. Is this not a socialist idea itself?

              I don’t think I’m poorly informed I simply think that socialist ideals are exactly that ideals. I guess I simply prefer to live in reality.

              • squid_slime@lemm.ee
                5 months ago

                Equality of opportunity does not work, the richest 1% continue to get richer year over year whilst the poorest get poorer and this isn’t a slogan this is a real statistic we can see. Even the middle classes are entitled to less now and the trend will only continue. Then we have inherited wealth, people tend not to work for they’re fortune its often inherited.

                So if the intention of equality of opportunity is to bring prosperity than its failed the largest percentage of people. Really I think its a way for people to say “well we tried, we gave them the opportunity” and in that way they can sleep at night.

                The USSR took place 1922 to 1991 where homelessness fell drastically, literacy bloomed to near 100%, people who’d only heard of electricity suddenly had electricity, ‘diets became much better as well as food portions’ (this is power phrased from a leaked FBI document which detailed nutrition being better of an american), work was a given thing if someone was of ably body and mind they’d have a consistent job. In truth the USSR worked amazingly at points, especially considering the state it came from, they skipped capitalism and were feudal before the revolution so had no modern infrastructure like farm equipment, industry and others.

                The USSR was a messy thing and to understand the full context would take a lot of explaining, inside the politburo there were bad actors for sure but externally the USSR had to deal with Americas mccarthyism and strong arm tactics, setting nukes on the Russian border or training and supplying arms to terror organisation to economically drain the USSR which the damage can be seen current day in the middle east and even in the USA and Russia with the opioid crises.

                But the best part is that once the USSR crumbled we’d like to think the victory of capitalism lead to prosperity and liberation of Russia but the standard of living has dropped, social housing is now privately owned and rented at prices most can’t afford, the average age has declined in Russia, dietary standards have dropped, domestic abuse risen, education levels fallen.

                With your last statement I’m sure the feudalist said the same to early capitalism.

                • The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because we don’t have equality of oppertunity. Still if u worked for ur fortune or not do u really want to take that oppertunity away from everyone else?

                  Again we do not have equality of oppertunity nor is the ideal of it even particularly tied to capitalism. But we didn’t give people the oppertunity we didn’t give them a fair chance anyone who pretends we did is either stupid or promoting a straw man.

                  As for everything u said about the USSR stop sucking the dick of a dead empire.

                  The whole food thing https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Droughts_and_famines_in_Russia_and_the_Soviet_Union

                  Maybe social standards dropped cos of a dictatorship not capitalism but who knows. From my understanding there are many nations that had and continue to have far better standards than the soviet union and well all of them are capitalist.

                  Then again I’m not arguing for or against capitalism or socialist/communist just that we should be willing to accept ideas from both and incorporate them to build something better.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Socializing. Things to say in a conversation don’t come to me naturally like they seem to do with other people. Often people remark it’s like talking to a wall because I don’t know how to come up with an answer to their open questions on the fly. And without that, they see no foundation to build friendship on.

    • gramie@lemmy.ca
      5 months ago

      It helps if you realize that most people are delighted to talk about themselves, if you can find the right angle. They may be passionate about cars, or gardening, travel, their children.

      Also realize that most people have spent a lot of time doing whatever they do, and there are things they know about it that few other people do.

      For example, someone who works in a laundry might have insights into the laundry business, or the people who come in late at night or the values of different kinds of detergent.

      Someone who works at a mall may well know things about them all that you don’t. There may be aspects to their job that they find challenging or painful.

      I seem unable to care much about other people (not officially diagnosed on the spectrum, but it seems obvious to most people who know me), but I am interested in the insights they can give me, and I genuinely want them to be happy.

      Having a conversation like that also beats sitting around awkwardly.

    • serpineslair@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Damn, I really relate to this. When I get nervous because I don’t know what to say, I come back with one of my dreaded default responses.

      • Today@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I realized today that people on movies are weird in cute, quirky ways. Most of us are just weird in weird ways.

  • hperrin@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Hey, can you add a button on that webpage to do [something]?

    Like, yeah, adding a button is usually easy, but making it do [the thing] can be quite difficult.

    • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
      5 months ago

      I feel you, but the truth is that they’re easy to cook. It’s just that they’re also easy to cook badly.

      Get pan heating. Medium high. If there’s a number scale from 1 to 10, go about 5 or 6.

      Plenty of lubricant (oil, butter, whatever), ready to go. One pat of butter to the side

      Crack eggs in a bowl.

      Add pepper to taste.

      Scramble eggs in bowl with fork.

      When pan is hot, which is when you can hold your hand about six inches over the pan and feel it, add lubricant of choice. Just enough to cover the bottom of the pan.

      Give eggs one last stir with fork, then pour in.

      Count to six slowly. Then gently move the eggs around with. A spatula, spoon, or whatever is handy and won’t burn.

      Once you’ve got chunks of eggs, stop. Count to six them move them around again.

      Add in extra pat of butter. Let it start to melt, then gently move the chunks around until most of the liquid is now a jiggly mass with a tiny amount of liquid making the surface shiny.

      Cut off the heat. Sprinkle with a pinch of salt or two. Put it all on a plate if it’s just for one person, in a bowl or individual plates for a bigger table.

      That’s it. Bare minimum scramble. You can get fancier, but that’s a choice.

      The reason most eggs people make suck is too much heat for too long. They get rubbery. Lower heat, gentle scrambling, then let the heat that’s in the eggs finish the last bit of cooking on the plate or serving bowl. You’ll get fucking excellent eggs. Might take a few tries to really nail things to perfection, but the methodology will work to make yummy eggs before that.

      Seriously, eggs don’t need to be in the pan long. A minute or so for a big batch as long as you’re moving the curds that form is plenty most of the time. When it isn’t, it’ll be because it’s a huge batch rather than just big.

      Same principle applies to over easy, over hard, and sunny side up, but flipping those is a skill that takes practice. But use lower heat and you’ll fuck up less. Trust me, if you leave things less done than you think is done, there is plenty of heat there to finish the job and they’ll be safe to eat even if not pasteurized. I promise. Carry over cooking is a thing.

      • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        One of the most foolproof ways to cook eggs, in my opinion, is basted. Probably easier than scrambled even.

        • Heat butter in a pan over medium heat until the bubbles are subsiding.
        • Crack eggs into pan, spaced as far apart as possible.
        • When the bottoms are looking mostly white, add about 1/3 cup of water around them.
        • Reduce heat to medium low and cover (a glass lid is very helpful here). The steam is going to cook the tops while the pan cooks the bottoms. You don’t have to do anything but watch them.
        • When the top of the yolks look hazy white, they’re done. You can touch the whites with a fork to make sure they aren’t running.
        • I like to take them out with a spatula and set the spatula on a paper towel for a second to soak up any water before putting them on the plate.
        • Add salt and pepper if you want.

        They come out kind of like over-medium or poached.

        • quinkin@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Putting the lid on to finish sunny side up works even without adding water. If you don’t have a lid for your pan a piece of baking paper over the top of the pan works.

      • Feathercrown@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        We’re approaching lemon meringue, which is one of the most difficult difficult lemon difficult baked goods

      • yukichigai@kbin.social
        5 months ago

        Rolled Japanese style, aka tamagoyaki. That is really difficult.

        Over easy is as easy as the name though.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Okay, sure, there are ways to cook them that are harder, but the vast majority of the ways people eat eggs are pretty simple. Basted is a way to cook them that comes out a lot like poached, but it’s more foolproof - it’s my wife’s favorite.

        • AFK BRB Chocolate@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          Someone else gave elaborate instructions for scrambling that would work well. I usually just melt some butter over medium heat, crack the egg into it, wait like 30 to 60 seconds, stir it up with a spatula, wait another minute or two, then turn/stir the hunks so that any runny parts are against the pan and give it maybe another minute.

          • SgtAStrawberry@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            Well I had a heated pan on high and I cracked an egg into it… and then I kept having a raw egg floating around in the pan. After poking at it for some time it started cooking and after more poking it did scramble, so I did succeed in the end but I also managed to fail the cooking part of it.

    • ArtieShaw@fedia.io
      5 months ago

      One thing I learned about meringue is that the slightest bit of fat will turn it into frosting.

      Even a mixing bowl/whip that has been sitting in an open kitchen may have accumulated enough aerosolized cooking oil to effect the outcome. I’ve never failed after washing the utensils and then being scrupulous about broken yolks.

      • southsamurai@sh.itjust.works
        5 months ago

        Preach. I keep my kitchen as clean as possible, and it’s still so easy to miss something that will mess up the meringue, or even the curd.

        The crust is at least foolproof lol. I’d been making pies long before I decided I wanted to tackle meringue.

  • Making an otherwise simple change in a game made by a big company.

    There are tons of things that could be done relatively “easy peasy” when it comes to correcting an error in the code or making a change to a number or even adding a thing. What makes it difficult is red tape. You’ve got assigned tasks to do that probably don’t include making that simple fix or adding that thing or changing that number. If it’s just 1 dude in his garage working at a hobby project, it could get done in 10 minutes if he wanted to do it.

    Of course this assumes things aren’t done in a way that make doing something that might be easy even harder simply because you don’t have many options to do the things you want within the system you’ve made without dismantling part of it and getting into a whole mess of other shit to make the “simple” change. Sometimes it be like that, too.

    • TheKracken@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Perfect example is changing text in a game (maybe 10 mins) vs adding emoji to text in a game ( weeks?) does the text engine support emoji. Do we need to add support for all arbitrary images? How big can the emoji be? So many issues come out of “simple” requests.

    • CuttingBoard@sopuli.xyz
      5 months ago

      Cutting the caulking tube tip is very important. If all the gaps are big, cut it so the hole is big. If they are small, cut it small. Cut it at an angle because you don’t use it straight on. If it is water based, have a bucket filled with water and a couple drops of dish soap. Put one or more rags in the water depending on how much caulking you have to do. The water and soap are there so it won’t stick to your hand and fingers as badly. Keep as clean as you can. I used to have to use cases of white lightning to caulk millwork and French doors on new McMansions several times a week. If it’s not water based, use acetone or denatured alcohol depending. The tip cutting is still very important no mater what solvent or water is being used. Too small is better than too big.

    • Dozzi92@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Watched dudes install a countertop. Apply caulk, one wipe, beautiful. After countertop installed I put in trim (it’s a window to a patio) and need to caulk literally a straight fucking line six inches long. Caulk, wipe, looks like ass. Great work!

    • Two9A@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      A tip one contractor passed on to me when caulking: use pieces of toilet paper to smooth it out after applying. You won’t get your fingers gunked up, and toilet paper’s cheap enough that you can use a bit to smooth off a few inches of caulk and throw the paper away.

      Think I got through half a roll when sealing up a window frame a couple years back, looks great.

      • Thorny_Insight@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        With silicone the proper way is to first wipe the surfaces clean with acetone. Then apply a thick bead of silicone making sure it sticks to both surfaces with no gaps (very important), doesn’t need to look pretty. After that you spray it with soapy water which prevents it from sticking where you don’t want it to and then use a wet/soapy popsicle stick (or a dedicated tool) to scrape off the excess. After that you can spray it again and super gently pull your finger over it to smooth it out. Should come out looking something like this.

        I’ve gotten good results doing caulking like this aswell but some people say that acrylic caulk may react with the water/soap and you should instead use a dedicated tooling agent.

  • ComradeSharkfucker@lemmy.ml
    5 months ago

    Having an interesting conversation with someone you just met. I see people do this shit all the time and they make it look like it comes narurally but every time I’m in that situation it is so difficult. Its like a series of quick time events that im severely underprepared for

    • Kefass@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I learned to combat this with 3 simple questions:

      1. What kind of job do you do? (Or study)
      2. Where do you live?
      3. Do you have any kids, dog,…

      Be interrested in their answers and add some simple follow-up questions that show you are listening. Add some content of your own as a follow-up.

      Posing that first question can be a bit weird, but the rest is as simple as it sounds.

    • Tiefling IRL@lemmy.blahaj.zone
      5 months ago

      It really depends on the person, you have to have some sort of jumping off point. Whether that is sharing something in common with someone or having cool hobbies.

      • CleoTheWizard@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I think this is the biggest myth of conversation. People always tell you to search for people whom you share something in common with, but the reality is that nearly everyone shares something in common and there’s no reason to go searching for it.

        The key to a good conversation with a stranger is to initially do two things: 1. Ask details about the stranger and 2. Intertwine that with yourself in some way. You don’t even need to share this part.

        Good conversations have these things I’ll call “footholds” where you intentionally give each other details shortly after meeting in order to create those ties in conversation. If you ask where someone is from, you should shortly offer up where you are from as well. Or if you ask about a hobby, offer a light comparison to your own.

        Once you have enough of these footholds, the conversation should flow freely. If it ever doesn’t, ask the stranger more about themselves. And trust me, just be interested in what they say.

    • SwearingRobin@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      I’m not perfect at it, but what helps me is that I genuinely love to learn and I like to take the opportunity to learn from people when I meet them. I just need to find an entry point (job, hobby, something the person is knowledgeable about) and then I start asking questions, and applying the limited knowledge I might already have on the subject.

      With short interactions with people that are working (supermarket, bank, restaurant, phone assistance) I usually go for empathy, and overall just being nice. When one comes to me I go for a joke to brighten their day a bit.

    • wieson@feddit.de
      5 months ago

      I sometimes use the alphabet method. When a conversation gets stuck I think of words starting with a and form a question from that.

      Example : angler fish, amazon, aeroplane

      -> do you like travelling? What’s your dream destination? Do you like the deep sea/ocean/swimming?

      • ouRKaoS@lemmy.today
        5 months ago

        Me in my head: Start a conversation, think of words that start with a… Aaaaaaaaaaaaa…

        Me out loud: We come from the land of the ice and snow, from the midnight sun where the hot springs flow

        Everyone, including me: WTF!?

      • whotookkarl@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I think for short ask questions, actually listen to their answers and follow up or share your own experiences. Now you’re conversating.

  • leaky_shower_thought@feddit.nl
    5 months ago
    • popular sayings like: “get well”, “do not be sad”, “do not be poor~

      • following up with this, communication will always present a bump or two. it’s not easy to get [all] your points across.
    • karaage, IMO. “oh it’s just fried chicken”. fried-dry-chicken is the easy part.

    • it always looks easy when pros do it: you see it with that teacher solving that algebra problem, or that guy doing that guitar hero/osu/rhythm game song, models and their drips, mukbang/oogui, porn

    • theherk@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      “Get well” is completely different than the other two. It is rarely if ever used as an imperative. It is more like “(I hope you) get well”. Well wishes are good.

    • viking@infosec.pub
      5 months ago

      The trick to fried juicy chicken is tapioca flour. Chicken itself doesn’t need much time to be cooked through, but a regular batter of flour coating takes forever to get nice and crunchy. By the time you get it right, the meat is overcooked.

      Tapioca (or cornstarch, if you must) gets a really nice color and crunch in no time, so you can just eyeball it and it’s gonna be good.

  • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
    5 months ago

    Achieving significant political change, even as an individual with significant political power

    • RememberTheApollo_@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Significant political change…for the better.

      As we’ve seen all over the world or only takes a relative few to make negative change.

    • waterbogan@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      This SO much. I was involved some years ago with a non profit, run by a guy with significant personal wealth. He burnt through nearly a million bucks, and did manage to get some change to happen , but it was incredibly difficult and incredibly slow, even with the backing and support of a number of other wealthy and connected individuals plus mass public support as well.

      • PhlubbaDubba@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Not necessarily but a bunch of political commentators sure like to act like it is whenever they’re complaining about something the current admin isn’t doing or that it is doing but under legal obligation.

  • krowbear@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Parenting. Before I had kids I was often judgmental of parents, but now I’ve realized all the things I didn’t take into account and all the things you just don’t have control over. In my case, I was not expecting to be a single parent, there was the pandemic, and I did not factor in how impactful the lack of sleep and autonomy would be.

    • Victor@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Even without suddenly becoming single, or a pandemic, or anything, being a parent isn’t something that can be explained to anybody who hasn’t experienced it, IMO. You can use words to explain, that you think are accurate. But it just has to be experienced to fully understand. The fatigue, the change in stress levels, the amount of time you lose. Conceptually not hard to grasp. But the way it feels, different story. “Wow, this is worse/more than I thought.”

      But given all that, it’s also hard to explain that it’s all worth it. One of the best things about being a parent right now for me personally, is watching my kids learn everything for the first time, and the wonders of learning, beaming from their eyes. It’s such a privilege being the one to have a chance to teach them a bunch of things. Being a role model, being someone who they build trust with.

      Also walking into their room after they’ve fallen asleep and watching two absolute gigawatt units expend their energy non-stop all day, now completely still (and silent, JFC), and just so peaceful. Their eyes just two lines, rather than two open balls all day. Adorable.

      • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I went through Army training where they intentionally deprive you of sleep for 9 weeks, and I had still never been as tired as I was the first 6 months of parenthood. I didn’t know that you can get that tired and still be alive.

        • Victor@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          I know, holy shit. And I’ve been a bad grown up and staying up sometimes until 3 am playing games, and the next day I’ll sleep at like 7:30 pm.

      • dingus@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        I have a friend with kids. I’m also an aunt. I think it’s absolutely fantastic when people can be parents, but I also don’t at all understand how anyone is capable of doing that shit. I’m more than capable of briefly watching and playing with kids for several hours at a time, but not caring for them 24/7 forever.

        It’s especially wild to me when parents basically explain to me that they are constantly legitimately going through extreme suffering in what you describe in your first paragraph.

        But then they tell me how literally suffering 24/7 is somehow all worth it to them and it makes even less sense. I’m guessing there’s some sort of hormonal thing going on to trick the brain into giving periodic happiness episodes in the middle of what sometimes seems to be flat out torture.

        • Victor@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          😆 Sounds very accurate to a normal parental experience indeed.

          I don’t know if it’s necessarily hormonal. I mean… Everything brain related is, perhaps. I don’t know about such things. But it’s mostly for me about how beautiful it is to have such a purely innocent being put their full trust in you and love you unconditionally (whether by instinct or not). You get to have an extremely tight emotional bond with someone who is completely dependent on you, and that really sharpens your morals. It grows you the fk up. You start having a lot more empathy, even if you thought you had a lot of it before.

          It just changes you, completely. Like, I’ve explained it now, in some pretty well-chosen few words, but there’s still this explanatory gap here that will never be bridged by words, only through experience. It’s… hard to explain. 😅

          You even feel a little conned, sometimes. Always tired, annoyed, want to be alone, stuff like that. Then when the kids are away for a day or more, “I miss them”. Like what the actual F. 🤡 Am I infested with brain parasites or am I a parent?

      • AnalogyAddict@lemmy.world
        5 months ago

        100% accurate.

        Once they become teens, the joy is in seeing them realize how much they don’t yet know. It happens rarely, so make sure to document it.

        Nothing is more entertaining than being a parent.

        There is also nothing to explain the disassociative feeling of having them kidsplain to you things that you taught them, or were actually there for. It’s like, dude, you didn’t know how to wipe your own bum until I taught you. I think I have a handle on 9/11, liberal vs. conservative politics, the Cold War, collapse of the Soviet Union, or how to drive/ shop for groceries/ pay taxes/ vote/feed my dog/apply a bandaid, or whatever thing you think just came into existence because you learned it.

        • laverabe@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          you didn’t know how to wipe your own bum until I taught you. I think I have a handle on 9/11, liberal vs. conservative politics

          I agree completely with the one exception being the current aging generation that is so completely brainwashed by Murdock et al, that think the working class are the badies, among other misconceptions…

        • Victor@lemmy.world
          5 months ago

          lmao that’s funny. Yeah this is already somewhat the case with my 3 and 4 year old. Even sometimes when they were 2. They’ll tell me things I told them, repeatedly. Things they learn in preschool. Things that they make up on the spot that are completely untrue bullshit. And you’ll just go “oh really, wow, how interesting”. It’s all about sharing with each other at this point lol. Everything doesn’t have to be exactly right or true. I’m trying to remember that because my oldest is a bit of a know-it-all. Trying to prevent further damage to him being a little annoying prick with that behavior. 😆 Especially towards the younger one.

          • brygphilomena@lemmy.world
            5 months ago

            I was out shopping for plants this morning when a little girl wanted to point out the spilled dirt and the hedges they had to me. It was adorable.

            My girlfriend and her 5 year old will be moving in with me this summer, I’m so excited to see her learn and grow.

    • RBWells@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      My mom told me she used to judge the parents in the shops with screaming kids, we didn’t do that and she thought it was her excellent parenting. She said “Then God gave me Janet” to cure her judgemental hubris, lol.

      Nobody is a good parent all the time, we aren’t robots and exhaustion is such a drain on intelligence and compassion. But most of us are good parents enough of the time, thankfully.

    • refalo@programming.dev
      5 months ago

      And those people in comments that are always shitting on parents? Wait until you see what they look like and how they live. Often the most outrageous comments are made by the most outrageous people.

      • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
        5 months ago

        What do you mean, like finish work then go straight to playing games? I know parents who manage that (somehow!)

    • grrgyle@slrpnk.net
      5 months ago

      I can’t even conceive of the lack of sleep. Like I’ll miss out on a few hours and feel like death, but staying up an entire night? And then having to drive, with a sick kid in the car?

      But I mean ultimately I don’t want kids of my own, so I don’t have that internal ember to stoke my motivation. But man, parents must really want it to go through all that I see them doing.

      Anyway hope things are going alright for you. One of the nice things is that it can (generally) get easier over time, and then eventually you have a new adult family member that you helped make :)