What is you purpose right now?
Stopin myself from going off the deep end
A worthy cause - keep it up!
I pass butter.
I ask people why they have a special butter tray in their fridge
It keeps the butter hard and useless?
Going the health route I see. Butter is very unhealthy just like monopoly’s go .it’s best just to pass it.
Eating only lettuce and drinking 5L of water a day can also be unhealthy, just saying.
Try as much as possible to find a hobby that sticks and brings joy.
Depression: Not if I have anything to say about it!
Damn, you didn’t have to call me out like that xD
To seek out the Holy Grail!
Oh, purpose? I thought you meant AAaaaahhhhhh…
Trying to beat my brain into submission so I can sleep.
Work. Feed family. Take dumps. Repeat.
To die, and do as little extra damage as possible until that point.
To help defeat aging. Read the book Ending Aging by Aubrey de Grey.
Shouldn’t we wait just a touch longer for the Boomer phase-out?
To seek the Holy Grail.
What is your favorite color?
Blue. No, yellooOOOOOOOOW
Trying to figure that out now. Waiting on some epiphany
Writing books and getting people to read them.
Being someone 99% of Lemmy users won’t achieve in his miserable life hah
keep on keepin’ on
To make the world a better place.
I’m basically a rainbow colored punching bag waiting to be used by homophobes (and transphobes) who just happened to train for boxing.
My country is filled with these people.