I’ve been using Linux for about 7 months now and have become a lot more comfortable using the terminal but I feel like there is more that I can learn.
Most of my work is done in a browser or DaVinci Resolve. I do try to use the terminal where possible but it’s limited due to my workflow.
Are there any interactive sites where I can practice/learn the terminal? I’m going through Linux Survival at the moment.
Cost: $10
One year of a small vps. Fiddle around with it, get it secure, run some services on it, flatten and reinstall through the web kvm when you fuck up.
Look at your logs and be terrified at how many computers are just out there poking and prodding at random ips on the internet.
Say “I’m in” and push play on squarepusher when you log in.
Pardon me for asking, but this looks very strange. 10$ a year, when most VPS hosts I see are 5$ish a month, and the website is default WordPress stuff with literally nothing in their knowledge base, and two blog posts. Also your link is to https://cloudserver.net Where as when I lookup the name, https://www.cloudserver.net/. A totally different looking website. What is this?
It’s the link from lowendbox.com’s list of cheap vpses. I’ve used a few of em including cloudserver and they’re fine. Cloudserver actually did the most kyc stuff out of any on that list.
Idk why the link is different or any of the stuff you’re talking about. It’s old, November of last year, but it still seems to work.
Oh that’s a cool resource, thanks for the share.