Gotta beware those IR satellite cameras tho. Tunnels. For real privacy you need tunnels.
Also nukes, or someone’s going to invade you before you’re done.
But not ordinary nukes, off the shelf at your nearest military supplier. Those aren’t really free, you know, and besides licensing issues you never know what trackers and backdoors are hidden inside.
Gotta beware those IR satellite cameras tho. Tunnels. For real privacy you need tunnels.
Also nukes, or someone’s going to invade you before you’re done.
But not ordinary nukes, off the shelf at your nearest military supplier. Those aren’t really free, you know, and besides licensing issues you never know what trackers and backdoors are hidden inside.
You need Transparency.
You need Privacy.
You need Freedom.
You need Gnukes.
Some say Samsung was in development of such a device… They had this prototype that you could fit in your pocket.