I have been looking for manufacturing, assembly, production positions all over the Midwest. It’s absolutely shocking how many of them want you to work rotating shifts.

Look at the image I submitted. That company wants you to work 3rd shift one week, then 2nd shift the next, then 1st shift the next, and then repeat it over and over. How in the hell is that healthy?

And this requirement for rotating shifts is prevalent in so many job ads now. WTF is going on with the world?

Full job ad here:


  • WoahWoah@lemmy.world
    9 months ago

    I work a “9-5,” which is basically remote meetings or email from 7-8:30 while I try to eat something and get my kids dressed, work through lunch so I can take “lunch” at the end of the day to be able to pick my kids up in time, go home and finish emails and hope to wrap up by dinner.

    How people are working schedules like this is beyond me. I’m going insane as it is, and my job is “cushy.” My doctor tells me I need to work less and create less stress in my life or I’m going to start bleeding out of my ears, and he looks more tired than I do.

    Everyone where I work is scared to quit for fear of working more hours on a worse schedule for less money. Everyone at he top seems to work remote at will and forces us into meetings about how to reduce burnout like they do, which is apparently by working less, having more schedule freedom, and then bragging about it by holding meetings about how to live more like they do, which would get all of us fired within a month.