I’ve had access to a roommate’s 3D printer, but they’ll be moving away soon :(
Wondering if people have takes on machines that are considered entry level today but may have evolved handy features since, well, when you were an entry level user.
If this isn’t the right place for this please be nice I’m sorry
What is your roommate’s printer Also, what is your budget Going to need to include filament if you don’t have any of your own
If in the US, are you nearish to a Microcenter
I am not in the US but near-by to something that is equivalent to a microcenter! My budget is 200 for the printer, and 300$ is my max for including filament and extras. My roomate has two printers, a ender 3 clone and a TwoTree SP-5. I’ve been really liking the SP-5, but 400-500$ is a little much for what im doing.
Ideally it could be something that is brand locked little as possible