Sustainable open source will stay a dream

  • Emily (she/her)
    5 months ago

    This is the comment that tipped the maintainer over the edge:


    You should do a better job updating your documentation so that people do not waste their time like I did. This change to closed source was announced where, exactly? All of your READMEs and documentation sites do not mention this. Very easy to be confused and very disappointing to me that this went closed-source.

    Not only did you sell out, you also removed all the old versions that were released under an open source license so that others couldn’t continue to use out-of-support versions. DISGUSTING.

    tl;dr get off GitHub and npm entirely if you want to do the closed-source thing, kthx.

    Which is incredibly disrespectful in my opinion, and this kind of entitlement is what makes me weary of starting any open source projects.