• Eldritch@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    That friend. Is framing. Not an echo chamber. Framing can amplify Echo Chambers absolutely. But it’s not the same thing. It is something we all do to an extent and should be aware of. We all frame things in terms of what we know, or even how we wish they would be.

    Most things in life especially in America have a heavy right-wing fash friendly framing. That’s not arguable. Just a fact of the last 100 years. Which is why when most people realistically only had the 8:00 news it was such an Insidious and effective Echo chamber. They constantly echoed the same talking points. With the same fash friendly framing. We were the heroes delivering freedom against the godless communists etc. Was that ever really true? You might be able to make a specious argument or two. But it’s not factual on the face of it. Note this is not a defense of ML/Stalinism/Maoism or tankies. They’re as big a problem as capitalists realistically.

    Florida, arguably an echo chamber by many metrics. They’re trying to restricted peoples access to information and violate their first amendment rights. Twitter, absolutely an echo chamber. They’re banning lefties at the drop of a hat temp/perm/shadow. Replatforming deservedly permabanned rightwing ghouls. With an egoist in a khole paying and promoting hate speech. YouTube, their algorithm sucks. But as much as I dislike that they allow propaganda etc like daily wire etc. They also allow propaganda like second thought which I also dislike. They certainly aren’t perfect. But not the same thing.