A.I. upscale. Berserk, also known in Japan as Kenpū Denki Berserk, is a Japanese anime television series based on Kentaro Miura's manga series of the same na...
People are allowed to watch the way they want. Being personally offended people are willing to accept tradeoffs to get it isn’t a point, and it doesn’t hold water.
This is also outdated enough to have missed several advancements in recent years, making it even more incorrect.
That video is really old, and I saw it when It released. He isn’t really an expert on the subject.
Plus you don’t owe that guy’s links a view just to respond to a comment. What nonsense
Old as it is, a lot of his points still hold water. AI interpolation still shits all over artistic intent. Shit looks awful.
People are allowed to watch the way they want. Being personally offended people are willing to accept tradeoffs to get it isn’t a point, and it doesn’t hold water.
This is also outdated enough to have missed several advancements in recent years, making it even more incorrect.
AI has no place in the world of art. It’s soulless and depressing.
People are starting to figure it out. It’s a great, ever-improving set of tools, and maybe you can change your opinion too.
Try improving it without stealing art.