Forked from these fork developers make it look on their website that they are the zshell developers.
Forked from these fork developers make it look on their website that they are the zshell developers.
I apologize if it was hard to read, if it makes you feel better I don’t fully understand emoji lingo, so I’m not quite understanding your post fully either. Are you suggesting that I make it all one big text splurge? I know that might look better on pc but it makes reading on mobile atrocious lol
Oh I was just being sarcastic and trying to make a joke. I’ve seen a ton of people start off with that bullshit on microblogging sites, like “How Threat Actor APT Whatever Implanted Malware In Popular Package Source Code. \n A 🧵”, using the thread emoji instead of just saying thread. Then they go off on like 22 tweets that should have just been a blog post, but Medium is dumb and their employer isn’t fancy enough to have a public blog to post after-action findings on.
Your post was absolutely fine and completely readable on mobile and PC alike, I’m truly sorry I caused any confusion or worry about formatting on your part!