Hi, just recently it’s foss had an article about homelabs. Of course I digged in, since there is a small nuc working tirelessly in the corner of my routers closet. So far it just crawls some web pages for me and sends emails accordingly to my filters. So I hoped to find new exciting stuff to let it crunch through. The articles content did not spark my interest though.

Well, I’d like to know what you are using on your homelab. In hope you’ll do something I’d like to follow. Cheers

  • thirdBreakfast@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    I’m on iOS. I’ve been testing a beta of Jello that looks really promising, but as a beta has a bit of distance to go. I’ll check out Feishin though - thanks for the recommendation.

    I’d love Jellyfin to turn out to be the solution, but I suspect it’s not, at least yet.