Hi, just recently it’s foss had an article about homelabs. Of course I digged in, since there is a small nuc working tirelessly in the corner of my routers closet. So far it just crawls some web pages for me and sends emails accordingly to my filters. So I hoped to find new exciting stuff to let it crunch through. The articles content did not spark my interest though.

Well, I’d like to know what you are using on your homelab. In hope you’ll do something I’d like to follow. Cheers

  • haui@lemmy.giftedmc.com
    6 months ago

    Thats a good question. Since I have pihole, most of my telemetry goes down the drain anyway. but I‘m not that paranoid. Having the ability to use my thermostats offline is enough for me. I use avm fritz dect 301 I think and for lighting I use fritz dect 500.

    I also have shelly plugs for my terrarium. Good you reminded me. I need to put them into the setup because they‘re also smart. I even wrote a script for hybernation (with help though).

    What didnt work well was comet dect because they seem to be of quite bad quality and shelly led bulbs but that might be due to metal lamp casing.